
The pathogenesis of Mercury is found in the provings of Merc. viv. and Merc. sol., two slightly different preparations, but not different enough to make any distinction in practice. Mercury is used in testing the temperature, and a Merc. constitution is just as changeable and sensitive to heat and cold. The patient is worse from

Argentum Nitricum

1. Subjects withered, old-looking through disease, especially after unusual or, long-continued mental exertion ; children. 2. Hypochondriasis ; lacks self-confidence ; apprehensive, hurried, discontented ; time passes slowly ; suicidal impulses. 3. General debility with nervous tremors. 4. Strange sensations ; (a) of expansion in various parts, (b) as of splinter, especially in the throat,


REGION: BRAIN AND NERVES: Occiput. Spine. Orbital region. Root of nose. Blood. Inner canthi. WORSE: EXHAUSTION; mental. Suppressions. Noise. Touch. Wine. After being heated. BETTER: Motion. Hard pressure. Warm open air. FREE DISCHARGES. Fagged, enervated or depressed; can’t throw things off; develop exanthema or discharges, etc. Increasing weakness; < eating; with restlessness. Isolated effects; one


1. Neurotic, hysterical subjects especially women and children. Nervous symptoms predominate in all complaints. 2. Mental and bodily lassitude ; dull, drowsy, dizzy ; wishes to be let alone ; may be desire to throw herself from a height ; or desire for expression in speech or writing with sense of increased power especially of


1. Dark, phlegmatic subjects ; or women with red hair and freckled complexion, especially at climaxis ; also broken-down constitutions. 2. Extreme alternations, mind and sensorium, (a) Mental activity with almost prophetic perception ; ecstasy ; loquacity with rapid change of subject especially when delirious ; hurry and flurry ; delusion of voices, etc. (b)

Mercurius Sol

1. Light-haired subjects of lax fibre ; earthy or dirty yellow, rough complexion. Anti-syphilitic, second stage. 2. Mental slowness but states changeable ; (a) memory and will power deficient ; answers questions slowly ; despondency ; (b) hurry and anxiety ; loquacity, especially in delirium ; time passes slowly. 3. Weakness and weariness in all


1. Persons with sallow, greasy-looking complexion ; dark, “bilious” individuals with sunken cheeks ; cadaverous appearance. 2. Intellectual torpor ; apathy ; loss of memory ; unable to find proper word ; hypochondriasis with irritability : religious melancholia ; thinks much about physical health especially his digestion. 3. Anaemia with great lassitude ; excessive and


VANADIUM METALLICUM – The Metal – (VANADIUM) Its action is that of an oxygen carrier and a catalyzer, hence its use in wasting diseases. Increases amount of hemoglobin, also combines its oxygen with toxines and destroys their virulence. Also increases and stimulates phagocytes. A remedy in degenerative conditions of the liver and arteries. Anorexia and


VISCUM ALBUM – Mistletoe Lowered blood pressure. Dilated blood vessels but does not act on the centers in the medulla. Pulse is slow due to central irritation of the vagus. The symptoms point especially to rheumatic and gouty complaints; neuralgia, especially sciatica. Epilepsy, chorea, and metrorrhagia. Rheumatic deafness. Asthma. Spinal pains, due to uterine causes.


X-RAY – Vial containing alcohol exposed to X-Ray – Repeated exposure to Roentgen (X-ray) has produced skin lesions often followed by cancer. Distressing pain. Sexual glands are particularly affected. Atrophy of ovaries and testicles. Sterility. Changes take place in the blood lymphatics and bone marrow. Anæmia and leukæmia. Corresponds to stubbornness as in burns, they