Chininum arsenicosum

Complaints come on at night. Open air aggravates most complaints. General increasing anemia. Inflamed parts turn black. Chlorosis. Sensitive to cold, and complaints are worse from cold and from becoming cold. Tendency to take cold. This is a useful remedy in weakly constitutions. Cold, pale, emaciated people. In prolonged suppuration; after hemorrhages. Chronic diarrhea, when

Cocculus indicus

We will study the general system and the mind as usual. Cocculus slows down all the activities of the body and mind, producing a sort of paralytic weakness. Behind time in all its actions. All the nervous impressions are slow in reaching the centers. If you pinch this patient on the great toe he waits


Aversion to motion, yet motion ameliorates her pain and uneasiness. Aversion to the open air, yet open air ameliorates some symptoms, especially the coryza and cough. The marked dulness of the senses and special senses is a striking part of this picture. Chlorosis irregular menses; and palpitation. Stitching pains. Weakness and aggravation from exertion. Flabby


This medicine seems especially to affect the mucous membranes It appears to have a tendency to establish or ultimate discharges, both acute and chronic. The Dulcamara patient is disturbed by every change in the weather, from warm to cold, from dry to moist, and from suddenly cooling the body while perspiring. He is ameliorated in

Ferrum arsenicum

Complaints in general are aggravated in the morning, on waking; afternoon; evening; night, before midnight, after midnight. Aversion to the open air; aggravation in the open air. General physical anxiety. Chlorosis, Anemia. Chorea in anemic subjects. In a general way cold air aggravates, and the patient is very sensitive to cold; aggravation from becoming cold,

Ferrum iodatum

Morning, afternoon, evening, NIGHT, after midnight. The patient feels better in the open air. Anemia in a marked degree. General physical anxiety; chlorosis; choreic twitching of the muscles; constantly taking cold; congestion of organs and glands; external and internal dropsy. Symptoms are worse after eating. Emaciation. Markedly worse from exertion. Fainting in anemic patients. Hemorrhage

Ferrum phosphoricum

Great weakness, and desire to lie down. Nervous at night. Rheumatic conditions. While it has been used by Schussler’s followers for the first stage of inflammatory fevers, it is useful in the higher potencies in chronic diseases, and is a deep acting anti-psoric. It could not be less than the Ferrum and Phosphoric acid that


This is a very deep acting remedy, even deep enough to cure the symptoms of and turn into order a constitution that is rheumatic, gouty, and has inherited phthisis. These patients are subject to diarrhea; the tendons are too short, or they have abscesses, catarrhal troubles, bronchitis. Drawing, tension and contractions of muscular fibre. Sore

Hydrastis canadensis

Hydrastis is a slow, deep acting remedy, required in many trophic disturbances where there is emaciation, catarrhal conditions and ulceration, even malignant ulceration. Defective assimilation. When it is noticed that the stomach is the center of most of the symptom complex. The desires and aversions often give the key to a very complex totality of

Kali arsenicosum

This is a very deep, long acting remedy, and one greatly abused by traditional medicine in the form of Fowler’s Solution. It was used extensively as an anti periodical after quinine had failed, and as a tonic, for skin diseases of all sorts, for syphilis, for anemia, etc. It is a most positive remedy in