
Hyoscyamus is full of convulsions, contractions, trembling, quivering and jerkings of the muscles. Convulsions in vigorous people, coming on with great violence. Convulsions that involve the whole economy, with unconsciousness, coming on in the night. Convulsions in women at the menstrual period; and then the lesser convulsions of single muscles, and contractions of single muscles.


Among the striking features of Opium is a class of complaints marked by painless, inactivity, and torpor. Many of the provers taking small doses had torpor, inability to realize or feel their surroundings, or to take in the nature of states and judge of things. Deception in vision, taste, touch; deception of the state he

Zincum metallicum

Zincum metal has a full and substantial proving, including symptoms of every part of the body. It is an antipsoric, suitable in broken down constitutions, feeble constitutions; enfeeblement characterizes the whole proving. The Zinc. patient is nervous and extremely sensitive, excitable, trembling, quivering, twitching of muscles, tearing pain; along the course of the nerves, tingling,


REGION: BRAIN AND NERVES: Occiput. Spine. Orbital region. Root of nose. Blood. Inner canthi. WORSE: EXHAUSTION; mental. Suppressions. Noise. Touch. Wine. After being heated. BETTER: Motion. Hard pressure. Warm open air. FREE DISCHARGES. Fagged, enervated or depressed; can’t throw things off; develop exanthema or discharges, etc. Increasing weakness; < eating; with restlessness. Isolated effects; one


1. Acts best in sanguine, plethoric subjects. 2. Oversensitiveness to pain ; great fear of being touched or struck by anyone coming near, especially in gout and rheumatic conditions. 3. Bruised, sore feeling all over ; bed feels too hard (Bapt.). 4. Injuries especially to soft parts ; bruises (Ham.) ; strains (Rhus) ; concussions

Phosphoricum Acidum

1. Debilitated constitutions ; pale sickly complexion, eyes sunken and surrounded by blue rings. Young people who grow too fast. 2. Listlessness and apathy ; patient disinclined to talk ; stupefied by grief. 3. Great debility from long-continued, depressing emotional causes, after violent acute diseases or loss of vital fluids ; neurasthenia of sexual origin.


VERATRUM ALBUM – White Hellebore A perfect picture of collapse, with extreme coldness, blueness, and weakness, is offered by this drug. Post-operative shock with cold sweat on forehead, pale face, rapid, feeble pulse. Cold perspiration on the forehead, with nearly all complaints. Vomiting, purging, and cramps in extremities. The profuse, violent retching and vomiting is


Fear: of death; of crowds; of going out. Anything, always fearful. Complaints from exposure to cold, dry cold. Congestions and inflammations, acute, first stage with great anxiety, heat and restlessness; tosses about in agony; throws off covering. Inflammatory fever.