Cuprum metallicum

Cuprum is pre-eminently a convulsive medicine. The convulsive tendency associates itself with almost every complaint that Cuprum creates and cures. It has convulsions in every degree of violence, from the mere twitching of little muscles and of single muscles to convulsions of all the muscles of the body. When these are coming on the earliest

Ferrum arsenicum

Complaints in general are aggravated in the morning, on waking; afternoon; evening; night, before midnight, after midnight. Aversion to the open air; aggravation in the open air. General physical anxiety. Chlorosis, Anemia. Chorea in anemic subjects. In a general way cold air aggravates, and the patient is very sensitive to cold; aggravation from becoming cold,


Ipecac. has a wide sphere of action among acute sicknesses. Most of its acute complaints commence with nausea, vomiting. The febrile conditions commence with pain in the back between the shoulders, extending down the back, as if it would break, with or without rigors, much fever, vomiting of bile and seldom any thirst. This is

Kali carbonicum

The Kali carb. patient is a hard patient to study, and the remedy itself is a hard one to study. It is not used as often as it should be, and the reason is that it is a very complex and confusing remedy. It has a great many opposite symptoms, changing symptoms, and this it


One of the many uses of this remedy is in the inherited complaints of children. The physician of long and active experience meets many obstinate cases in children. The infant soon emaciates and becomes marasmic, or a child becomes asthmatic, or suffers with vicious catarrh of nose or eyelid, or has ringworm on the scalp


Moschus cures many hysterical girls who have come to adult age without ever learning what obedience means. They are self-willed, obstinate and selfish. When they have been encouraged to resort to crafty cunning, to have every whim gratified from infancy to eighteen years of age they become fit subjects for Mosch., Asaf., Ignatia and Valer.

Natrum arsenicosum

The symptoms of this remedy appear in the daytime, in the MORNING, in the forenoon, evening, night and after MIDNIGHT. The symptoms are worse in the cold air, but warm open air ameliorates; the mental symptoms are better in the open air; worse from cold in general; in cold air; becoming cold; in cold, wet

Natrum sulphuricum

This is one of our most frequently indicated constitutional remedies. The symptoms appear in the morning, evening and during the night, especially before midnight. Some symptoms are better after breakfast, during the daytime and after midnight, except the sweat. It is a very useful remedy for complaints following neglected gonorrhea. The symptoms and the constitutional

Nux vomica

Everywhere in this remedy we observe the striking oversensitiveness of the patient; it is brought out in all the symptoms. Irritable; oversensitive to noise, to light, to the least current of air, to his surrounding; extremely touchy in regard to his food; many kind of food disturb, strong food disturb; he is aggravated by meat;


Psorinum os closely allied to Sulphur The patient dreads to be washed. The skin over the body, especially of the face, looks filthy, though it has been well washed. A dingy, dirty, foul look, as if covered with dirt. Skin rough and uneven, cracks easily, bleeding fissures; it becomes rough and scaly. He cannot wash