
The general constitutional state of Chamomilla is great sensitiveness; sensitive to every impression; sensitive to surroundings; sensitive to persons; and, above all, sensitive to pain. The constitutional irritability is so great that a Little pain brings forth manifestations as if the patient were in very great suffering. It naturally belongs to the woman’s nervous system,

Cocculus indicus

We will study the general system and the mind as usual. Cocculus slows down all the activities of the body and mind, producing a sort of paralytic weakness. Behind time in all its actions. All the nervous impressions are slow in reaching the centers. If you pinch this patient on the great toe he waits


It is a great remedy for nervous prostration; marked lassitude, with mental and bodily weakness. It is closely related to Coffea and Nux vomica and especially useful for the weakness of the will and neuralgic pains in coffee drinkers. In hypochondria and in the female it has melancholia and nymphomania. Convulsive conditions without loss of

Magnesia phosphorica

Magnesia phos. is best known for its spasmodic conditions and neuralgias. The pains are very violent and may affect any nerve. A pain localizes itself in a nerve and becomes worse and worse, sometimes coming in paroxysms, but becoming so violent that the patient becomes frantic. The pains are ameliorated by heat and pressure. The

Natrum phosphoricum

We are not dependent upon Schussler alone for indications for this remedy, as we have many pathogenetic symptoms. Schussler’s indications were good and mostly confirmed by clinical observations. The author has given this remedy for twenty years to many patients whose nerves were in a fret from mental exertion and sexual excesses and vices. The

Natrum silicatum

The times of aggravation of the symptoms of this remedy are morning, forenoon, evening, night, and after midnight; he feels amelioration some times during the forenoon. Formation of recurrent abscesses; it relieves the pain and hastens the flow of pus in abscesses. AVERSION TO THE OPEN AIR; the symptoms are worse in the open air

Natrum sulphuricum

This is one of our most frequently indicated constitutional remedies. The symptoms appear in the morning, evening and during the night, especially before midnight. Some symptoms are better after breakfast, during the daytime and after midnight, except the sweat. It is a very useful remedy for complaints following neglected gonorrhea. The symptoms and the constitutional

Oxalic acid

This remedy has been greatly neglected. It will cure many heart complaints that are treated with vague, crude, unproved remedies with indifferent results. The violent action upon the heart racks the whole system. Trembling, convulsions, loss of sensation; numbness of the body and limbs; blueness of the lower limbs, fingers and lips; paralysis of the


The Platinum proving represents the woman’s mind perverted. It is especially suited to hysterical women such as have undergone fright, prolonged excitement, or from disappointment shock, or prolonged hemorrhages. She becomes arrogant and haughty. One of the most striking characteristics of this drug is pride and over-estimate of one’s self. She imagines that she is

Stannum metallicum

Stannum is especially suited to persons who have long been growing feeble. This is so striking that it may be said that some deep-seated constitutional state must be present. There is a history of increasing weakness, cachexia, catarrhal conditions, and neuralgia dating back over years. There is sensitiveness to pain and an increasing aversion to