Chininum arsenicosum

Complaints come on at night. Open air aggravates most complaints. General increasing anemia. Inflamed parts turn black. Chlorosis. Sensitive to cold, and complaints are worse from cold and from becoming cold. Tendency to take cold. This is a useful remedy in weakly constitutions. Cold, pale, emaciated people. In prolonged suppuration; after hemorrhages. Chronic diarrhea, when

Cicuta virosa

This remedy is of interest because of its convulsive tendency. It puts the whole nervous system in such a state of increased irritability that pressure on a part causes convulsions. The convulsions extend from center to circumference; the head, face and eyes are first affected. An aura in the stomach gives warning of the convulsion.


Now we shall take up the study of Cinchona, or China. Persons who have suffered much from neuralgias due to malarial influences, who have become anemic and sickly from repeated hemorrhages, are likely to develop symptoms calling for China. China produces a gradually increasing anemia, with great pallor and weakness. It is sometimes indicated in

Cocculus indicus

We will study the general system and the mind as usual. Cocculus slows down all the activities of the body and mind, producing a sort of paralytic weakness. Behind time in all its actions. All the nervous impressions are slow in reaching the centers. If you pinch this patient on the great toe he waits

Conium maculatum

This medicine is a deep, long acting antipsoric, establishing a state of disorder in the economy that is so far reaching and so long lasting that it disturbs almost all the tissues of the body. The complaints are brought on from taking cold, and the glands become affected all over the body. From every little

Culex musca

When this remedy is needed your patient will present to you a picture of something on fire; he burns like something he would like to mention, and perhaps does mention the place; the itching and burning are present every where in this remedy; he rubs and scratches wherever the eruptions appears. The mental symptoms are

Eupatorium perfoliatum

Every time I take up one of these old domestic remedies I am astonished at the extended discoveries of medical properties in the household as seen in their domestic use. All through the Eastern States, in the rural districts, among the first old settlers, Boneset tea was a medicine for colds. For every cold in

Ferrum iodatum

Morning, afternoon, evening, NIGHT, after midnight. The patient feels better in the open air. Anemia in a marked degree. General physical anxiety; chlorosis; choreic twitching of the muscles; constantly taking cold; congestion of organs and glands; external and internal dropsy. Symptoms are worse after eating. Emaciation. Markedly worse from exertion. Fainting in anemic patients. Hemorrhage


It is a great remedy for nervous prostration; marked lassitude, with mental and bodily weakness. It is closely related to Coffea and Nux vomica and especially useful for the weakness of the will and neuralgic pains in coffee drinkers. In hypochondria and in the female it has melancholia and nymphomania. Convulsive conditions without loss of

Helleborus niger

In all the complaints of Helleborus stupefaction occurs in greater or less degree. Sometimes it is a complete stupor, sometimes a partial stupor, but it is always stupefaction and sluggishness. Hellebore is useful in affections of the brain, spinal cord, the general nervous system and mind, but especially in acute inflammatory diseases of the brain