Cicuta virosa

This remedy is of interest because of its convulsive tendency. It puts the whole nervous system in such a state of increased irritability that pressure on a part causes convulsions. The convulsions extend from center to circumference; the head, face and eyes are first affected. An aura in the stomach gives warning of the convulsion.


It is rather singular that traditional medicine used Colchicum so much For gout. In all the old books it was recommended for this malady. The provings corroborate the fact that Colchicum fits into many conditions of gout. Acute rheumatism and uric acid diathesis; rheumatic complaints in general, with swelling and without swelling. But traditional medicine


Ignatia is frequently required and is especially suited to sensitive, delicate women and children; to hysterical women. You will not cure the natural hysterics with Ignatia, but you will cure those gentle, sensitive, fine fibred, refined, highly educated, overwrought women in their nervous complaints with Ignatia when they take on complaints that are similar to

Natrum carbonicum

Proved by Hahnemann, Hering and others. Persons who are in the habit of taking carbonate of soda for sour stomach get a proving of this remedy. I have met some of these people and been able to confirm many Natrum symptoms. Old dyspeptics who are always belching and have sour stomach and rheumatism; after twenty

Nux vomica

Everywhere in this remedy we observe the striking oversensitiveness of the patient; it is brought out in all the symptoms. Irritable; oversensitive to noise, to light, to the least current of air, to his surrounding; extremely touchy in regard to his food; many kind of food disturb, strong food disturb; he is aggravated by meat;


1. Strong, healthy, full-blooded person of quick, lively. sanguine temperament. 2. Emotional, mental and physical tension ; hyperaesthesia, of the special senses. 3. Onset of sthenic fevers, characterized by (a) intense anxiety with prediction and fear of death, causing restlessness and tossing about ; (b) strong, full, rapid pulse ; (c) dry, hot skin and


REGION: BRAIN AND NERVES: Occiput. Spine. Orbital region. Root of nose. Blood. Inner canthi. WORSE: EXHAUSTION; mental. Suppressions. Noise. Touch. Wine. After being heated. BETTER: Motion. Hard pressure. Warm open air. FREE DISCHARGES. Fagged, enervated or depressed; can’t throw things off; develop exanthema or discharges, etc. Increasing weakness; < eating; with restlessness. Isolated effects; one

Aethusa Cynapium

Especially for children during dentition in hot summer weather; children who cannot bear milk. Great weakness; children cannot stand; unable to hold up the head (Abrot.); prostration with sleepiness.

Idiocy in children; incapacity to think; confused. An expression of great anxiety and pain, with a drawn condition and well-marked linea nasalia.

Features expressive of pain and anxiety.