
1. Tall, slender subjects ; fair or red hair ; sometimes complexion pale, lemon-yellow tint ; quick, lively, sensitive temperament. Young people who grow too rapidly ; narrow-chested, inclined to stoop ; especially if anaemic or tuberculosis tendency ; blue rings and much puff ness around the eyes. 2. Indifference (even towards family) ; talks


1. Rheumatic subjects especially if mercurio-syphilitic history. 2. Indifference to life ; feels sure will die. 3. Aching, bruised soreness in all the muscles especially of head, back and limbs ; patient must move yet motion <. 4. Pains, “rheumatic,” shooting, lancinating ; flying like electric shocks ; rapidly shift locality ; < motion, damp,


1. Sanguine, thin, dark-haired women of rigid fibre. 2. Alternating mental states ; peculiar arrogance and illusionary greatness ; sometimes impulses to injure or even kill persons previously cared for (often distresses patient). Melancholy mood ; life wearisome yet fears death which she thinks near ; long sulks ; vexation at trifles. 3. Physical and


1. Persons with sallow, greasy-looking complexion ; dark, “bilious” individuals with sunken cheeks ; cadaverous appearance. 2. Intellectual torpor ; apathy ; loss of memory ; unable to find proper word ; hypochondriasis with irritability : religious melancholia ; thinks much about physical health especially his digestion. 3. Anaemia with great lassitude ; excessive and


1. Sallow-complexioned subjects ; lax fibre ; “bilious” temperament. Children. 2. Depression about his disease, etc. ; thinks he will die. 3. Alternating complaints ; e.g. winter headache alt. summer diarrhoea. 4. Difficult dentition ; moaning and grinding of teeth at night ; intense desire to press gums together (Phytolacca) ; head hot and rolling


1. Psoric subjects ; coarse, dry or greasy skin, nervous, restless temperament ; pale, delicate, sickly children. 2. Great mental depression ; anxiety with evil forebodings ; fears will die ; religious melancholy ; frightful dreams ; children good all day, cry all night. 3. In chronic cases when well selected remedies fail to relieve


1. Persons with sandy hair, pale face, blue eyes, sedentary habit ; slow, gentle, yielding, emotional temperament. Anaemic, chlorotic women ; girls in their teens ; often overdosed with iron, quinine and other “tonics” ; subject to styes and varicosis. 2. Great changeableness both of patient and symptoms ; prevailing mood of melancholy with tearfulness,

Rhus Toxicodendron

1. Adapted to the rheumatic diathesis. 2. Great sadness and apprehension with Inclination to weep ; < at night, in the house > out of doors. 3. Sub-acute and chronic rheumatism and rheumatoid affections with the characteristic modalities ; pains as if the bones were scraped with a knife ; also paralytic weakness with numbness


1. Young people ; women at climaxis. 2. No marked mentals except hopeful state in phthisical patients. 3. Various headaches ; periodic, especially every seventh day ; begin occiput, spread upwards and settle over right eye ; often end in vomiting ; < at menstrual period and at climaxis sick headaches begin morning, increase during

Secale Cornutum

1. Tall, thin, scrawny, feeble women of lax muscular fibre ; old, decrepit subjects. 2. Extreme debility with restlessness, great anxiety and fear of death. 3. Collapse in choleroid and other diseases, hippocratic face with contortion especially about the mouth ; skin cold to touch yet external warmth, covering, etc., intolerable. 4. Passive haemorrhages ;