
The general constitutional state of Chamomilla is great sensitiveness; sensitive to every impression; sensitive to surroundings; sensitive to persons; and, above all, sensitive to pain. The constitutional irritability is so great that a Little pain brings forth manifestations as if the patient were in very great suffering. It naturally belongs to the woman’s nervous system,

Ferrum arsenicum

Complaints in general are aggravated in the morning, on waking; afternoon; evening; night, before midnight, after midnight. Aversion to the open air; aggravation in the open air. General physical anxiety. Chlorosis, Anemia. Chorea in anemic subjects. In a general way cold air aggravates, and the patient is very sensitive to cold; aggravation from becoming cold,


1. Children at dentition period ; young women. 2. Excessive nervousness ; slightest sudden noise frightens. 3. Great dread of downward motion in nearly all complaints ; child clings to nurse and cries when it is being put down. 4. Aphthous ulcerations of mucous membranes ; of mouth with heat, tenderness, great thirst, etc., prevents

Calcarea Carbonica

1. Leucophlegmatic subjects ; “fair, fat, flabby” ; Children with tendency to grow fat ; large head and abdomen ; slow development of mind and body ; slow and imperfect ossification (difficult, delayed dentition, open fontanelles, etc.). Girls who grow too rapidly. 2. Anxiety of mind ; all kinds of nervous apprehensions with difficulty expressed

Calcarea Phosphorica

1. Thin, spare subjects with dark complexion, and inclined to emaciate. Scrofulous, rachitic children during first and especially second dentition. (Heads sweats not so prominent a symptom as in Calc. carb. and Silicea). Girls at or near puberty. 2. Sunken, flabby abdomen in children with general emaciation and inability to stand. 3. Gastro-intestinal disorders <


1. Adapted to nervous, excitable temperaments, especially in women and children ; children during dentition ; rheumatic diathesis. 2. Every degree of ill-temper ; fits of spiteful irritability ; uncivil even to best friends (no underlying ill nature like Nux Vom.) ; confesses the fault but repeats it ; affirms “cannot help it, I feel

Cicuta Virosa

1. Spasmodic affections especially convulsions with loss of consciousness ; pupils dilated, insensible ; frightful contortions of limbs and whole body ; opisthotonos ; frothing at mouth, etc. ; spasms renewed by touch, noise, jarring ; followed by great exhaustion ; from indigestion, dentition, worms, repercussed eruptions, etc. ; epilepsies, choreas. 2. Abnormal appetite for

Helleborus Niger

1. Weakly, scrofulous children prone to brain troubles, especially at dentition. 2. Melancholia ; silent despair ; stupidity or unintelligent muttering ; < consolation ; irritability ; mind loses control over body, strong concentration needed before muscles will art. 3. Acute brain affections ; hydrocephalus, during stage of effusion ; stupefaction or insensibility ; head


1. Tall, lean, dark-complexioned persons ; poorly nourished and subject to bacterial infections ; overgrown girls ; children old-looking and wrinkled ; women at post-climacteric period. 2. Children ill-humoured, peevish, cry for things which they push or throw away on receiving (Staph.). 3. All secretions (especially from mucous surfaces) corrosive, acrid, very offensive, debilitating. Septic


1. Rheumatic subjects especially if mercurio-syphilitic history. 2. Indifference to life ; feels sure will die. 3. Aching, bruised soreness in all the muscles especially of head, back and limbs ; patient must move yet motion <. 4. Pains, “rheumatic,” shooting, lancinating ; flying like electric shocks ; rapidly shift locality ; < motion, damp,