Rhus Toxicodendron

1. Adapted to the rheumatic diathesis.

2. Great sadness and apprehension with Inclination to weep ; < at night, in the house > out of doors.

3. Sub-acute and chronic rheumatism and rheumatoid affections with the characteristic modalities ; pains as if the bones were scraped with a knife ; also paralytic weakness with numbness and heaviness especially lower limbs.

4. Pains < rest, < on beginning to move, > continued motion ; temp. > change of position ; pains return if movement continues to point of fatigue.

5. Muscle or tendon strains, stiffness or soreness especially from over lifting or overreaching ; < on grasping.

6. Adynamic fevers with mild delirium and stupefaction yet regular and persistent restlessness (from physical causes) ; red, dry, cracked, coated tongue, triangular red tip ; sordes ; stools loose, yellowish-brown, offensive, or bloody, frothy, sometimes involuntary during sleep, with great exhaustion.

7. All secretions and excretions acrid and foetid.

8. Complaints chiefly right-sided.

9. Acute skin diseases ; eczematous eruptions, surface raw, excoriated ; thick-crusts oozing and offensive ; much burning and itching ; rubbing increases the eruption. Erysipelas, vesicular, phlegmonous ; parts dark red ; especially of scalp, face and genitals.

10. Modalities ; < cold especially cold, wet weather, cold winds ; getting wet especially after overheating, ; before storms ; after midnight ; during and after rest.

Note  : Apis inimical.

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