
1. Tall, slender subjects ; fair or red hair ; sometimes complexion pale, lemon-yellow tint ; quick, lively, sensitive temperament. Young people who grow too rapidly ; narrow-chested, inclined to stoop ; especially if anaemic or tuberculosis tendency ; blue rings and much puff ness around the eyes.

2. Indifference (even towards family) ; talks little or only in monosyllables ; occasional fits of excitement and enthusiasm ; disinclined to mental and physical exertion ; slow ; depressed, weary of life, full of fears especially < alone, dark and thunder ; gloomy forebodings ; craves sympathy.

3. Neurasthenic condition ; weakness and weariness with trembling, often from loss of vital fluids ; general restlessness and fidgetiness ; hypersensitiveness to all external stimuli and to psychical influences.

4. Burning sensations in spots, especially dorsal region of spine ; intense heat running up the back into head (rev. Picricum acidum).

5. Hemorrhages, bright-red blood ; hemophilia ; patient bruises easily ; purpura with abdominal symptoms.

6. Emptiness (weakness) in various localities ; especially of entire abdomen about 11 a.m. which < all other symptoms ; fear, sudden noises, etc. “strike patient in the stomach.”

7. Gastric symptoms ; hunger, must eat often especially during night ; craves salt, cold food and drink ; great thirst but water vomited soon as warm in the stomach ; unchanged food regurgitated in mouthfuls ; nausea from putting hands in hot water.

8. Diarrhoeas ; very forcible ; as soon as anything enters rectum ; gen. painless but debilitating ; stool contains white, sago-like particles ; anus feels open ; involuntary oozing. Constipation ; long, slender, hard stools.

9. Wide use in acute and chronic diseases of respiratory tract ; much tightness or rawness ; oppression as of heavy weight on the chest ; coughs < going from warm into cold air, using the voice, eating, drinking, etc. ; lying left side. Right-sided lobar pneumonias.

10. Modalities ; < cold (except stomach and head symptoms) ; < every-change of weather ; during thunder ; twilight to midnight ; > lying down but < lying left side ; > sleep.

Notes : Incompatible with Causticum.

Long and deep acting remedy but often “hangs fire” at first.

Checks post-anaesthetic vomiting : best given twelve hours before.

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