
1. Psoric subjects ; coarse, dry or greasy skin, nervous, restless temperament ; pale, delicate, sickly children.

2. Great mental depression ; anxiety with evil forebodings ; fears will die ; religious melancholy ; frightful dreams ; children good all day, cry all night.

3. In chronic cases when well selected remedies fail to relieve or permanently improve (in acute-Sulph.) ; great debility remaining after acute diseases.

4. Body and all excretions have a horrible odour.

5. Feels unusually well the day before an attack.

6. Dry, scaly eruptions disappear in summer return in winter ; itching < warmth of bed and when body gets warm ; repeated outbreaks ; ailments from suppressed skin diseases ; skin dry, inactive, rarely sweats except after acute diseases when sweat profuse > all sufferings.

7. Marked tendency to quinsy, hay fever and to sprains.

8. Always hungry ; especially middle of night, must eat ; during headache > while eating.

9. Asthmas, etc. > lying down and keeping arms stretched far apart.

10. Patient very sensitive to cold air, change of weather, especially < stormy weather ; restless for days before thunder-storm.

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