
1. Dark, phlegmatic subjects ; or women with red hair and freckled complexion, especially at climaxis ; also broken-down constitutions. 2. Extreme alternations, mind and sensorium, (a) Mental activity with almost prophetic perception ; ecstasy ; loquacity with rapid change of subject especially when delirious ; hurry and flurry ; delusion of voices, etc. (b)

Magnesia Phosphorica

1. Tired, languid, worn-out subjects, especially dark-complexioned, emaciated persons of highly nervous organization. 2. Neuralgic pains, darting, lightning-like in character, > warm applications, pressure, friction ; < touch, cold air, cold water, uncovering ; paroxysmal pains of all kinds except burning. 3. Complaints purely spasmodic in character ; no fever ; etc. ; in teething

Mercurius Sol

1. Light-haired subjects of lax fibre ; earthy or dirty yellow, rough complexion. Anti-syphilitic, second stage. 2. Mental slowness but states changeable ; (a) memory and will power deficient ; answers questions slowly ; despondency ; (b) hurry and anxiety ; loquacity, especially in delirium ; time passes slowly. 3. Weakness and weariness in all

Muriaticum Acidum

1. Low, adynamic fevers ; typhoid states with great debility, involuntary discharges, lower jaw hangs down, slides down in bed, sordes on teeth, tongue dry, shrunken, leather-like, paralyzed ; pulse feeble, breath offensive. 2. Ulcerations of gastro-intestinal mucous membranes with greyish-white deposits ; ulcers extremely sensitive to touch, deep, perforating, bluish or black base, bleed

Natrum Muriaticum

1. Cachectic, anaemic subjects ; pale, earthy or yellowish. greasy-looking complexion ; children emaciated (especially about the neck) and old in appearance ; debility from loss of vital fluids. 2. Great depression ; lachrymose yet irritable especially at small, non-essential noises ; seems to desire but is markedly < consolation ; dislikes company, > alone

Nux Vomica

1. Dark, sallow, spare subjects of passionate temperament ; sedentary brain workers ; chronic dyspeptics addicted to stimulants ; victims of drug habits, drastic medicines, excesses, etc. 2. Hypochondriasis with irascibility and impatience ; spiteful and malicious or sullen and surly, thinks everyone is against him ; melancholy > alone especially from relatives ; “spasmodic”


1. Children and old people of lax fibre ; fair-complexioned ; also indicated in drunkards. 2. Ailments from fright especially where fear still remains ; fear of impending death. 3. All complaints with great sopor ; no pain, no complaint, no desires. 4. Low types of fever ; mild delirium, constant talking, eyes wide open,


1. Fair-complexioned subjects who take cold easily. 2. Irritability and quarrelsomeness ; trifles offend. 3. Low fevers with delirium ; patient imagines there is another person in the bed ; that he is double ; that two babies are in the bed beside her. 4. Occipital vertigo or headache with pressure and heaviness like lead.

Phosphoricum Acidum

1. Debilitated constitutions ; pale sickly complexion, eyes sunken and surrounded by blue rings. Young people who grow too fast. 2. Listlessness and apathy ; patient disinclined to talk ; stupefied by grief. 3. Great debility from long-continued, depressing emotional causes, after violent acute diseases or loss of vital fluids ; neurasthenia of sexual origin.


1. Sallow-complexioned subjects ; lax fibre ; “bilious” temperament. Children. 2. Depression about his disease, etc. ; thinks he will die. 3. Alternating complaints ; e.g. winter headache alt. summer diarrhoea. 4. Difficult dentition ; moaning and grinding of teeth at night ; intense desire to press gums together (Phytolacca) ; head hot and rolling