Cactus Grandiflorus

1. Fear of death (more persistent than in Aconite) especially in plethoric persons subject to local congestions. 2. Constrictive sensation as of hoop in various organs ; of whole body as if caged, each wire being twisted tighter and tighter ; with numbness. 3. Cardiac troubles, acute and chronic, with characteristic constriction ; heart feels


1. Children (especially dark-haired) with worm affections ; pale face, white about the mouth, boring of nose with finger, grinding of teeth at night, restless sleep, hunger, fever, etc. 2. Ill humour ; cannot be quieted ; dislikes caresses ; rejects everything offered : may want to be carried but is no better. 3. Spasmodic

Cinchona Officinalis

1. Stout, swarthy subjects ; sallow, dingy-yellow complexion. Constitutions greatly debilated by exhausting discharges especially of body fluids. 2. Patient apathetic, taciturn, despondent ; dislikes company, > alone ; irritability, fits of temper shallow (ctr. Nux vom.) ; feels ill-used ; over-sensitive to criticism. 3. Hyperaesthesia of the nervous system especially to touch. 4. Alimentary

Crotalus Horridus

1. Adynamic conditions in general, especially low, malignant fevers ; great prostration, low muttering delirium, tongue dry, brown, cracked or yellow with brown centre and red edges, etc. Bubonic and pneumonic plague. 2. Hemorrhagic tendencies ; from any or all orifices, from gums, under skin, nails, etc. 3, Septicemic states ; zymotic or septic poisonings

Eupatorium Perfoliatum

1. Worn-out constitutions ; from inebriety ; from bilious or intermittent fevers. 2. Diseases characterized by intense aching pains in bones as if broken, and bruised feeling all over the body surface. 3. Intermittent fevers ; bone pains before and during chill ; violent headache ; vomiting, from drink of water, of bile as chill

Ferrum Phosphoricum

1. First stage of inflammatory diseases before exudation takes place ; heat with soft, full quick pulse (lacks Aconit tension) ; thirst ; sweating does not > pains ; in mucous inflammations discharge gen. blood streaked. 2. Complaints from taking cold or suppressed perspiration, especially inflammation of mucous tracts ; special affinity for lungs and


1. Neurotic, hysterical subjects especially women and children. Nervous symptoms predominate in all complaints. 2. Mental and bodily lassitude ; dull, drowsy, dizzy ; wishes to be let alone ; may be desire to throw herself from a height ; or desire for expression in speech or writing with sense of increased power especially of

Ignatia Amara

1. Nervous, hysterical women ; dark hair and complexion ; pale, wan, drawn appearance ; disposition mild but easily excited ; quick in perception, rapid in execution (ctr. Puls.). 2. Rapid alternation of mental states (Crocus. Puls.) with underlying condition of melancholy ; moodiness ; full of silent grief, sits and sighs ; overdelicate conscience


1. Scrofulous subjects ; dark hair and eyes ; dirty yellow skin ; never fat ; especially children. 2. Patient excitable, restless, impulsive. 3. General sluggishness of patient and symptoms. 4. Great debility and emaciation in spite of voracious appetite ; after shock or emotional strain ; unaccountable sense of weakness and loss of breath

Kalium Bichromicum

1. Scrofulous, fat, fair subjects, disposed to catarrhal troubles. 2. No very characteristic mental symptoms. 3. Catarrhal conditions of any mucous membrane with tough, tenacious, ropy discharges, gen. yellow ; also tough membranes on mucous surfaces. 4. Ulcerations especially of mucous membranes ; solitary, penetrating, punched-out appearance ; usually with foetid, cheesy exudation ; also