Cicuta virosa

This remedy is of interest because of its convulsive tendency. It puts the whole nervous system in such a state of increased irritability that pressure on a part causes convulsions. The convulsions extend from center to circumference; the head, face and eyes are first affected. An aura in the stomach gives warning of the convulsion.


Blood root is an old domestic remedy. A great many eastern farmers’ wives will not go into the winter without blood root in the house. In the cold winter days, when the coryza come on, a “cold” in the head, throat and chest, then they get the blood root ready and make a tea of


Senega is an old lung tonic, and I suspect it has been an ingredient in most of the lung medicines for the last one hundred years. It has been only partially proved, and needs further proving to bring out its particulars. When a medicine has been fully proved, it can be said of it that


1. Acts best in sanguine, plethoric subjects. 2. Oversensitiveness to pain ; great fear of being touched or struck by anyone coming near, especially in gout and rheumatic conditions. 3. Bruised, sore feeling all over ; bed feels too hard (Bapt.). 4. Injuries especially to soft parts ; bruises (Ham.) ; strains (Rhus) ; concussions

Cicuta Virosa

1. Spasmodic affections especially convulsions with loss of consciousness ; pupils dilated, insensible ; frightful contortions of limbs and whole body ; opisthotonos ; frothing at mouth, etc. ; spasms renewed by touch, noise, jarring ; followed by great exhaustion ; from indigestion, dentition, worms, repercussed eruptions, etc. ; epilepsies, choreas. 2. Abnormal appetite for