Kali sulphuricum

Two very deep acting remedies unite to form this one. It was left to Schussler to show its first curative powers. Dewey’s work on the “Tissue Remedies” gives the best presentation from the biochemical view. The writer gathered the symptoms from reported cures for many years, and found that they were justified by the study


The complaints of Phosphorus are most likely to arise in the feeble constitutions, such as have been born sick, grown up slender, and grown too rapidly. Its complaints are found in such as are emaciated, and in those who are rapidly emaciating; in children who are going into marasmus, and in persons who have in

Ranunculus bulbosus

This buttercup gives off an acrid ethereal vapor very poisonous to such as are sensitive to it, and has been many times mistaken for Rhus poisoning. This common field buttercup is not used as often as it is indicated, and it must be that it is not as well known as many other remedies. It


Senega is an old lung tonic, and I suspect it has been an ingredient in most of the lung medicines for the last one hundred years. It has been only partially proved, and needs further proving to bring out its particulars. When a medicine has been fully proved, it can be said of it that


Fear: of death; of crowds; of going out. Anything, always fearful. Complaints from exposure to cold, dry cold. Congestions and inflammations, acute, first stage with great anxiety, heat and restlessness; tosses about in agony; throws off covering. Inflammatory fever.


Alternate constipation and diarrhoea; lineteria. Marasmus of children with marked emaciation, especially of legs (Iod., Sanic., Tub.); the skin is flabby and hangs loose in folds (of neck, Nat. m., Sanic.). In marasmus head weak, cannot hold it up. (Aeth.). Marasmus of lower extremities only. Ravenous hunger; loosing flesh while eating well (Iod., Nat. m.,