
1. Chilly, nervous women especially if with “moth patches” on forehead (Sepia). 2. Internal trembling. 3. Spasmodic disorders of female system ; dysmenorrhoea with irregular spasmodic pains and bearing down, especially. left ovarian region (almost specific, cp. : Magnesia phosphorica, Viburnum). In labour with rigid os. Pains spasmodic, irregular and ineffectual, nervous excitement ; after-pains.

Cicuta Virosa

1. Spasmodic affections especially convulsions with loss of consciousness ; pupils dilated, insensible ; frightful contortions of limbs and whole body ; opisthotonos ; frothing at mouth, etc. ; spasms renewed by touch, noise, jarring ; followed by great exhaustion ; from indigestion, dentition, worms, repercussed eruptions, etc. ; epilepsies, choreas. 2. Abnormal appetite for


1. Children (especially dark-haired) with worm affections ; pale face, white about the mouth, boring of nose with finger, grinding of teeth at night, restless sleep, hunger, fever, etc. 2. Ill humour ; cannot be quieted ; dislikes caresses ; rejects everything offered : may want to be carried but is no better. 3. Spasmodic


1. Extreme irritability and impatience especially in rheumatic subjects ; ailments from mental emotions especially anger with indignation. 2. Severe colic > bending double (rev. Dioscorea) or hard pressure ; patient presses hard things against abdomen > stool or passage of flatus ; < cheese ; < 4-9 p.m. 3. Neuralgias especially of larger nerves

Crocus Sativus

1. Rapid alternation of mental states ; true hysteria ; sudden change from greatest hilarity to deepest gloom ; extremely happy, affectionate, wants to kiss everybody, next moment in a rage. 2. Haemorrhages from any part ; blood dark, clotted forming long black streams from bleeding surface ; < slightest motion ; especially epistaxis and

Crotalus Horridus

1. Adynamic conditions in general, especially low, malignant fevers ; great prostration, low muttering delirium, tongue dry, brown, cracked or yellow with brown centre and red edges, etc. Bubonic and pneumonic plague. 2. Hemorrhagic tendencies ; from any or all orifices, from gums, under skin, nails, etc. 3, Septicemic states ; zymotic or septic poisonings


1. Cardiac diseases with great anxiety ; dyspnoea, sudden sensation as if heart stood still ; pulse feeble, irregular, fluttering, intermittent or extremely slow ; any motion especially rising from bed or chair causes rapid, weak jerky pulse and sometimes cyanosis, even syncope. 2. Patient low-spirited, tearful ; likes consolation ; anxiety even apart from


1. Spasmodic catarrhal affections of respiratory tract ; especially whooping cough ; violent paroxysms follow one another so rapidly child cannot get breath ; often ends in gagging, vomiting and cold sweat ; sometimes with haemorrhage from nose or mouth. 2. Coughs in general < lying down and after midnight, warmth, drinking, using voice, etc.


1. Phlegmatic scrofulous subjects with low vitality, children who dislike sweets. 2. Various complaints (catarrhal, rheumatic, dropsical, etc.) from exposure to or < by damp, cold atmosphere (Lemna, Natrum sulfuricum) especially sudden changes in hot weather (Bryonia alba), < evening and night. 3. Suppression of discharges or retrocession of eruptions from damp air, working in

Eupatorium Perfoliatum

1. Worn-out constitutions ; from inebriety ; from bilious or intermittent fevers. 2. Diseases characterized by intense aching pains in bones as if broken, and bruised feeling all over the body surface. 3. Intermittent fevers ; bone pains before and during chill ; violent headache ; vomiting, from drink of water, of bile as chill