Magnesia Phosphorica

1. Tired, languid, worn-out subjects, especially dark-complexioned, emaciated persons of highly nervous organization. 2. Neuralgic pains, darting, lightning-like in character, > warm applications, pressure, friction ; < touch, cold air, cold water, uncovering ; paroxysmal pains of all kinds except burning. 3. Complaints purely spasmodic in character ; no fever ; etc. ; in teething

Mercurius Corrosivus

1. Invaluable in violent, acute destructive inflammations (phagedenic tendencies) of any part, especially of mucous membranes ; catarrhal, scrofulous, gonorrheal, syphilitic. 2. Typical dysentery ; scanty stools of pure mucus tinged or streaked with blood, colicky pains extreme, persistent tenesmus and burning ; often accompanied by tenesmus of bladder ; no > stool. 3. Acute

Muriaticum Acidum

1. Low, adynamic fevers ; typhoid states with great debility, involuntary discharges, lower jaw hangs down, slides down in bed, sordes on teeth, tongue dry, shrunken, leather-like, paralyzed ; pulse feeble, breath offensive. 2. Ulcerations of gastro-intestinal mucous membranes with greyish-white deposits ; ulcers extremely sensitive to touch, deep, perforating, bluish or black base, bleed


1. Sapraemic and septicaemic conditions when best selected remedy fails to relieve or permanently improve ; onset of septic fevers with chill beginning in back, or general chill ; pulse very rapid, small, wiry ; may be out of all proportion to temperature ; distinct consciousness of a heart. 2. Bed feels hard ; parts

Ranunculus Bulbosus

1. Neuralgic, myalgic or rheumatic pains ; stitching, shooting, especially in chest walls ; < damp weather, atmospheric changes. 2. Intercostal rheumatism ; chest sore, bruised < touch, motion, turning body ; pleurodynia. 3. Herpes zoster ; dark-bluish transparent vesicles ; preceded or followed by the characteristic neuralgic pains. 4. Hay fever ; smarting, burning

Ruta Graveolens

1. Mechanical injuries of bones and periosteum ; sprains, dislocations, with bruised pains ; lameness after sprains especially of wrists and ankles ; ganglia ; flat foot. 2. Bruised, lame sensation all over, < limbs and joints ; parts lain on are painful as if bruised : even in rheumatic complaints. 3. Ailments from overstraining


1. Light-haired, anaemic, debilitated subjects of rheumatic diathesis ; scrofulous children with worm troubles, especially when stammering results ; fear of sharp, pointed things. 2. Violent neuralgic pains, chiefly left-sided, beginning one point and radiating all directions ; from sunrise increasing till noon, then declining till sunset ; fifth pair nerves specially involved ; eye

Spongia Tosta

1. Fair-complexioned women and children of lax fibre timid and sensitive ; tubercular diathesis. 2. Marked anxiety, even terror, in nearly all complaints ; gen. assoc. with the suffocative attacks. 3. Great dryness of mucous membranes in respiratory tract cough with no mucous rale, dry, sibilant, “like a saw through pine-board” ; < sweets, cold

Stannum Metallicum

1. Pale, anaemic subjects who suffer from dyspnoea and depression ; feel like weeping all the time but weeping <. Children with worm troubles. 2. Great nervous and muscular prostration ; so weak she drops into a chair ; weakness (emptiness) is especially referred to the chest (Argentum metallicum) < using the voice ; often


1. Young plethoric persons who desire light and company, dread the dark and solitude. 2. Acute manias and deliriums, great terror, attempts to escape, hallucinations especially of terrible animals ; great rage with screaming, biting and scratching ; loquacity, constant praying and entreating ; staring, brilliant eyes, widely dilated pupils ; strange imaginations, e.g. of