VERATRUM ALBUM – White Hellebore A perfect picture of collapse, with extreme coldness, blueness, and weakness, is offered by this drug. Post-operative shock with cold sweat on forehead, pale face, rapid, feeble pulse. Cold perspiration on the forehead, with nearly all complaints. Vomiting, purging, and cramps in extremities. The profuse, violent retching and vomiting is

Acetic Acid

Adapted to pale lean persons with lax, flabby muscles; face pale, waxy (Fer.). Haemorrhage; from every mucous outlet, nose, throat, lungs, stomach, bowels, uterus (Fer., Mill.); metrorrhagia; vicarious; traumatic epistaxis (Arn.).

Marasmus and other wasting diseases of children (Abrot., Iod., Sanic., Tub.).