Lilium tigrinum

So far as proved Lilium tigrinum has shown itself adapted to the complaints of women. It is especially suited to hysterical, women, who suffer from uterine troubles, cardiac troubles and various nervous manifestations; suitable to a woman who is extremely irritable, full of fanciful notions, insanity, religious melancholy and imaginations, with cardiac affections and prolapsus.

Magnesia phosphorica

Magnesia phos. is best known for its spasmodic conditions and neuralgias. The pains are very violent and may affect any nerve. A pain localizes itself in a nerve and becomes worse and worse, sometimes coming in paroxysms, but becoming so violent that the patient becomes frantic. The pains are ameliorated by heat and pressure. The


The pathogenesis of Mercury is found in the provings of Merc. viv. and Merc. sol., two slightly different preparations, but not different enough to make any distinction in practice. Mercury is used in testing the temperature, and a Merc. constitution is just as changeable and sensitive to heat and cold. The patient is worse from

Mercurius corrosivus

Merc. cor. has more excoriation and burning, more activity and excitement. Merc. is slower and more sluggish. Merc-c. is violent and active in its movements, it takes hold and runs its course with greater activity. So with a mercury base we have often to prefer this salt. In the eye symptoms there is more excoriation.

Nux vomica

Everywhere in this remedy we observe the striking oversensitiveness of the patient; it is brought out in all the symptoms. Irritable; oversensitive to noise, to light, to the least current of air, to his surrounding; extremely touchy in regard to his food; many kind of food disturb, strong food disturb; he is aggravated by meat;


Among the striking features of Opium is a class of complaints marked by painless, inactivity, and torpor. Many of the provers taking small doses had torpor, inability to realize or feel their surroundings, or to take in the nature of states and judge of things. Deception in vision, taste, touch; deception of the state he


The complaints of Phosphorus are most likely to arise in the feeble constitutions, such as have been born sick, grown up slender, and grown too rapidly. Its complaints are found in such as are emaciated, and in those who are rapidly emaciating; in children who are going into marasmus, and in persons who have in


It is said to be a very good medicine for women, for blondes, especially for tearful blondes . It is one of the polychrests and one of the medicines most frequently used, as well as often abused. The Pulsatilla patient is an interesting one, found in any household where there arc plenty of young girls.


This is a very useful remedy in gouty patients who suffer from rheumatic pains, sometimes wandering from joint to joint, aggravated during rest, aggravated before and during storms, aggravated in cold, wet weather and ameliorated from warm wrapping. These pains may be in the head or the limbs. It is a great palliative in old

Rhus toxicodendron

The complaints of this remedy come on from cold damp weather, from being exposed to cold damp air when perspiring. The patient is sensitive to cold air and all his complaints are made worse from cold and all are better from warmth. In a general way, the aching pains, the bruised feelings over the body,