Natrum arsenicosum

The symptoms of this remedy appear in the daytime, in the MORNING, in the forenoon, evening, night and after MIDNIGHT. The symptoms are worse in the cold air, but warm open air ameliorates; the mental symptoms are better in the open air; worse from cold in general; in cold air; becoming cold; in cold, wet


Marked mental and physical weakness following prolonged fevers, after sexual excesses, from secret vice, from exposure to the heat of the sun in summer. Great fatigue from which he seems unable to recuperate from rest. Slight exertion brings great fatigue and weakness and especially in hot weather. Sudden weakness in hot weather. Great weakness in

Sulphur iodatum

This is a very profound and long-acting remedy affecting all parts of the body with aggravations morning, afternoon, evening, NIGHT, and after midnight. Desires open air, which ameliorates the most of his symptoms. There is an indescribable feeling throughout the body like a general physical anxiety, which compels him to hurry in all his work

Kalium Bromatum

1. Large, fleshy people, particularly children and young persons. Patients suffering from brain fag with numb feeling in head as if would lose reason ; loss of memory, forgets how to talk ; fits of uncontrollable weeping and profound melancholic, delusions, even mania. 2. Nervous restlessness, must keep busy ; fidgety hands (feet – Zincum


1. Light-haired, anaemic, debilitated subjects of rheumatic diathesis ; scrofulous children with worm troubles, especially when stammering results ; fear of sharp, pointed things. 2. Violent neuralgic pains, chiefly left-sided, beginning one point and radiating all directions ; from sunrise increasing till noon, then declining till sunset ; fifth pair nerves specially involved ; eye


1. Young plethoric persons who desire light and company, dread the dark and solitude. 2. Acute manias and deliriums, great terror, attempts to escape, hallucinations especially of terrible animals ; great rage with screaming, biting and scratching ; loquacity, constant praying and entreating ; staring, brilliant eyes, widely dilated pupils ; strange imaginations, e.g. of