Kalmia latifolia

The symptoms that indicate this remedy show themselves especially in the muscles, in the tendons, in the joints, along the course of the nerves, in rheumatic complaints. The pains change about, wandering pains, and they are aggravated from motion. The sharp pains spread from the centers to the extremities, the wandering pains go downwards, down

Lac caninum

A beginning in this remedy was made by Dr. Reisig, and after Reisig it was used by Bayard. After Bayard’s death Dr. Dyer gave me a vial of the 30th potency, made by Reisig, from which the potencies have mostly been made. All the milks should be potentized, they are our most excellent remedies, they


One of the many uses of this remedy is in the inherited complaints of children. The physician of long and active experience meets many obstinate cases in children. The infant soon emaciates and becomes marasmic, or a child becomes asthmatic, or suffers with vicious catarrh of nose or eyelid, or has ringworm on the scalp


The pathogenesis of Mercury is found in the provings of Merc. viv. and Merc. sol., two slightly different preparations, but not different enough to make any distinction in practice. Mercury is used in testing the temperature, and a Merc. constitution is just as changeable and sensitive to heat and cold. The patient is worse from

Oxalic acid

This remedy has been greatly neglected. It will cure many heart complaints that are treated with vague, crude, unproved remedies with indifferent results. The violent action upon the heart racks the whole system. Trembling, convulsions, loss of sensation; numbness of the body and limbs; blueness of the lower limbs, fingers and lips; paralysis of the


The complaints of Phosphorus are most likely to arise in the feeble constitutions, such as have been born sick, grown up slender, and grown too rapidly. Its complaints are found in such as are emaciated, and in those who are rapidly emaciating; in children who are going into marasmus, and in persons who have in


It is said to be a very good medicine for women, for blondes, especially for tearful blondes . It is one of the polychrests and one of the medicines most frequently used, as well as often abused. The Pulsatilla patient is an interesting one, found in any household where there arc plenty of young girls.

Rhus toxicodendron

The complaints of this remedy come on from cold damp weather, from being exposed to cold damp air when perspiring. The patient is sensitive to cold air and all his complaints are made worse from cold and all are better from warmth. In a general way, the aching pains, the bruised feelings over the body,

Ruta graveolens

Ruta is another remedy often overlooked. It is sometimes overlooked and Rhus or Argentum nitricum given, or other remedies not fully related to the case are given because Ruta is not well known. Many of its symptoms are difficult to classify in the Repertory. A knowledge of its nature must be obtained. It falls under