This is a very deep acting remedy, even deep enough to cure the symptoms of and turn into order a constitution that is rheumatic, gouty, and has inherited phthisis. These patients are subject to diarrhea; the tendons are too short, or they have abscesses, catarrhal troubles, bronchitis. Drawing, tension and contractions of muscular fibre. Sore swollen joints.
The rheumatic joints are more painful from warmth (Lac c., Led., Puls.) and more comfortable when cool. Gouty abscesses of joints. The bones become spongy, or suppurate. The leg and ankle bones are especially affected. Sensitive periosteum. Stitching pains are characteristic, and burning is as marked as in Arsenicum. Limbs contracted and stiff. The excretions are all offensive. Drawing, tearing pains. His cold settles in the limbs, and the joints become sore and the muscles draw. His suffering is increased by the slightest motion or exertion. Gradually increasing exhaustion. Progressive emaciation. In the first stage of phthisis it is a wonderful remedy, when the symptoms agree. The progressive character of the sickness, the weakness of mind and body, and such symptoms as belong to deep constitutional troubles. In psoric cases complicated with syphilis and mercury and other violent drugs we find use for this most neglected remedy. It is closely related to Causticum, Sulphur, and Tuberculinum.
Absent minded in the morning. Indolent, and low spirited. Obstinate; fretful, and forgetful.
Vertigo on rising.
Rheumatic pain in one side of the head, extending to the face. Gouty headaches. Sensation of looseness of the brain. Stitching in the head. Pain in forehead, occiput, and deep in the brain. Tearing pain in the head. Sensation as if blood vessels were distended. Neuralgia on left side of face and head. Pulsating pain, ameliorated by pressure and walking; aggravated by sitting and standing. This is an exception to the general rule, as most symptoms are aggravated by motion. Perspiration on head and face, when walking in the open air.
Sensation of protrusion of the eyes. Swelling of the eyes. Dilated pupils.
Tearing in left ear. Paroxysmal pain in ear.
Pain in the bones of the nose. Nose swollen. Fluent coryza.
Pain in the bones of the face, nose and teeth. Face red and swollen, spotted. Heat in the face in the evening. Sharp pain in right malar bone. Paroxysmal pain in face, head and neck, every day at 6 PM, lasting until 4 AM Dull ache in left of jaw. Tearing, stitching in teeth. Pain in teeth when biting jaws together. Inflammation of the tonsils, worse from warm drinks, and there is much burning.
Perverted taste. Tongue coated thick white, or brown.
Burning in throat. Tonsillitis; it prevents suppuration.
Aversion to food, to milk. Much thirst.
Vomits a mass of watery mucus, followed by exhaustion. Nausea from sensation of mucus in throat.
Burning in stomach and abdomen.
Constrictive sensation in stomach, with anguish and dyspnea.
Much flatulence in abdomen.
Morning diarrhea (Sulph.). Stools watery. Constipation, with hard, crumbling, offensive stool.
Urging to urinate, even after micturition. The urine is profuse, and fetid. Cutting in urethra while urine flows.
Stitching in neck of bladder after ineffectual urging to urinate. Emissions without dreams. Discharge from urethra.
Chronic inflammation of ovaries. Menses absent. Membranous dysmenorrhoea. Shuddering in mamme; with gooseflesh.
Spasms of larynx. Difficult breathing. Palpitation.
Dry, hard cough with fever, finally relieved by expectoration. Copious, putrid expectoration, like pus. Expectoration of blood.
Rheumatism of the muscles of the chest, with great pain on motion. Stitching pains in chest from motion and breathing. Stitching pains seem to be in the pleura. Chronic bronchial catarrh with putrid expectoration, when rheumatism extends to chest. Phthisis pitutosa in rheumatic and gouty patients. Chest pains after riding in open air.
Palpitation of the heart. Rheumatism of the heart; frequent weak pulse.
Rheumatic stiffness of back of neck and back. Stitching in neck and back. Drawing pains in back between scapulae. All pains aggravated from motion and ameliorated during rest; aggravated from heat.
Drawing, tearing, stitching pains in upper limbs. Rheumatic pains in upper arm and shoulder. Pains in finger joints, and then in whole hand. Hot hands. Stitching in right thumb. Pains all aggravated from motion; aggravated from heat.
Shortening of the hamstrings. Pain in thighs extending to knees. Tearing, drawing pains in legs. Pains in the tibia. Gouty abscess of knee. Shooting pains in legs from feet to knees. Softening of tibia and ankle bones. The knee is flexed from the contraction of hamstrings. The right leg swollen and drawn close to the thigh. Pains in all the limbs, aggravated from motion and heat. Weakness of arms and legs. Numbness of lower limbs. Stiffness of limbs. Weakness of limbs after exertion. Rheumatism of joints, aggravated from heat and motion. Pain in limbs after taking cold.
Restless sleep. Sleeplessness. Wakens from sleep as if falling. Nightmare while lying on the back. Unrefreshing sleep.
Chilliness followed by fever in the evening. Burning fever. Hot hands. Night sweats. Copious perspiration.
The provers that perspired had no urinary symptoms.