
This is a very deep acting remedy, even deep enough to cure the symptoms of and turn into order a constitution that is rheumatic, gouty, and has inherited phthisis. These patients are subject to diarrhea; the tendons are too short, or they have abscesses, catarrhal troubles, bronchitis. Drawing, tension and contractions of muscular fibre. Sore

Helleborus niger

In all the complaints of Helleborus stupefaction occurs in greater or less degree. Sometimes it is a complete stupor, sometimes a partial stupor, but it is always stupefaction and sluggishness. Hellebore is useful in affections of the brain, spinal cord, the general nervous system and mind, but especially in acute inflammatory diseases of the brain


Ignatia is frequently required and is especially suited to sensitive, delicate women and children; to hysterical women. You will not cure the natural hysterics with Ignatia, but you will cure those gentle, sensitive, fine fibred, refined, highly educated, overwrought women in their nervous complaints with Ignatia when they take on complaints that are similar to


Ipecac. has a wide sphere of action among acute sicknesses. Most of its acute complaints commence with nausea, vomiting. The febrile conditions commence with pain in the back between the shoulders, extending down the back, as if it would break, with or without rigors, much fever, vomiting of bile and seldom any thirst. This is

Kali arsenicosum

This is a very deep, long acting remedy, and one greatly abused by traditional medicine in the form of Fowler’s Solution. It was used extensively as an anti periodical after quinine had failed, and as a tonic, for skin diseases of all sorts, for syphilis, for anemia, etc. It is a most positive remedy in

Kali bichromicum

This remedy is recognized by most physicians by the copious ropy mucous discharges from all mucous membranes, but it is also a most important remedy in rheumatic affections of the joints with swelling, heat and redness, whenever these conditions wander around from joint to joint. The bones all over the body feel bruised, and caries

Kali carbonicum

The Kali carb. patient is a hard patient to study, and the remedy itself is a hard one to study. It is not used as often as it should be, and the reason is that it is a very complex and confusing remedy. It has a great many opposite symptoms, changing symptoms, and this it

Kali muriaticum

Symptoms appear in the morning; forenoon; afternoon; evening; night; before midnight; after midnight. Aversion to the open air and sensitive to drafts. The open air aggravates many symptoms. Asleep feeling in single parts. Dread of bathing and worse from bathing. Cold in general makes the symptoms worse; worse from cold air; worse from becoming cold;

Kali phosphoricum

The symptoms of this remedy are worse morning, evening, and during the night. The over-sensitive, nervous, delicate persons, worn out from long suffering, much sorrow and vexation, and prolonged mental work; also such as are broken down from sexual excesses and vices. It is a long-acting antipsoric. Anemic and chlorotic patients. Most complaints are worse

Kali silicatum

The silicate of potassium is a very deep acting remedy. Some of the symptoms are worse or come on in the morning, a few in the forenoon and afternoon, many in the evening, and very many in the night, and especially after midnight. Aversion to the open air and worse from the open air and