1. Adapted to nervous, excitable temperaments, especially in women and children ; children during dentition ; rheumatic diathesis.
2. Every degree of ill-temper ; fits of spiteful irritability ; uncivil even to best friends (no underlying ill nature like Nux Vom.) ; confesses the fault but repeats it ; affirms “cannot help it, I feel so”. Children peevish, nothing pleases ; quiet only when carried and petted.
3. Oversensitiveness to all unpleasant stimuli especially pain which seems intolerable, at night causing patient to jump out of bed and walk about, pain accompanied by arternance with numbness.
4. Great sense of debility out of all proportions to the seriousness of the disease.
5. All discharges hot (sweat, stools, etc.).
6. Local heat ; of hands and feet ; one cheek flushed and hot, the other pale and cold.
7. Dentition diarrhoeas ; hot, acrid, green stools ; odour of rotten eggs.
8. Menstrual and puerperal disorders with char. pains and irritability ; menses excessive with dark clots.
9. Ailments from anger and violent excitement ; also from abuse of stimulants.
10. Patient < heat and hot applications yet not > by cold ; sensitive to damp, cold weather and to high winds especially about the ears ; < evening and night.
Note : A swift-acting but not very searching remedy.
Keynote : Over sensitiveness.