1. Thin. fair-complexioned subjects with tendency to gastric and hepatic complaints.
2. Hypochondriasis with lethargy ; drowsiness and debility.
3. Constant pain under the lower angle of right shoulder blade.
4. Hepatic soreness diseases swelling with or without the characteristic pain ; soreness, swelling and pain in liver region ; tongue coated or clay-coloured yellow with red margins showing sclerotics imprint of teeth (sometimes white-coated) ; diarrhoea of yellow jaundiced.
5. Gastric disorders with nausea ; desire for and > from very hot drinks ; > taking food ; aversion from cheese.
6. Neuralgias especially of head and face with profuse lachrymation from the right eye.
7. Rheumatic complaints ; joints swollen, hot, stiff and tender ; > hot applications.
8. Respiratory troubles especially with hepatic complications ; cough loose, rattling but expectoration difficult ; oppressed breathing ; larynx feels as if full of dust.
9. Markedly affects the right side ; very seldom indicated in left-sided complaints.
10. Patient gen. < heat yet most symptoms > heat ; < towards evening (Lyc.) ; < movement ; > eating.