Lac caninum

1. Nervous, restless, highly sensitive temperament.

2. Patient forgetful, absent-minded ; drops letters and words in writing ; cannot concentrate ; intense despondency – a chronic “blue” condition ; attacks of rage ; fears solitude, death, insanity, falling down stairs, etc.

3. Symptoms erratic ; change from side to side every few hours or days ; apt to begin and end with menstrual period.

4. Throat complaints ; sensitive to touch externally (Lach.) ; pains extend to the ears ; < empty swallowing.

5. Shining, glazed appearance of lesions ; e.g. diphtheritic deposit, ulcers, etc.

6. Sinking feeling at epigastrium ; usually not > eating.

7. Female disorders. Periods premature, profuse, flow bright, viscid, stringy, in gushes. Breasts painful, inflamed, < towards evening and from least jar ; must hold them firmly when going up or down stairs. Useful when necessary to dry up the milk.

8. Hyperaesthesia of the sexual organs.

9. Intense backache across supra-sacral region extending to right natis and down right sciatic nerve ; spine very sensitive to touch and pressure.

10. Modalities ; < at menstrual period ; often < lying left side.

Note. Acts best in single dose.

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