1. Scrofulous subjects ; dark hair and eyes ; dirty yellow skin ; never fat ; especially children.
2. Patient excitable, restless, impulsive.
3. General sluggishness of patient and symptoms.
4. Great debility and emaciation in spite of voracious appetite ; after shock or emotional strain ; unaccountable sense of weakness and loss of breath on going upstairs.
5. Hypertrophy or atrophy of glandular tissues ; usually painless ; thyroid and mammae specially affected.
6. Catarrhal affections of the mucous membranes especially of the upper air passages. Membranous croup, early stage with feverishness, dry, hot skin, dry cough and dyspnoea (follows Acon.). Also tuberculous infections.
7. Heart troubles with palpitation < least exertion, heart feels squeezed.
8. Chronic arthritic conditions after acute affections ; intense pains at night ; no swelling ; after syphilis or mercury.
9. Salivation (Ipecac., Merc.).
10. Patient < warmth ; wet weather ; always > out of doors ; after or while eating.