1. Stout, swarthy subjects ; sallow, dingy-yellow complexion. Constitutions greatly debilated by exhausting discharges especially of body fluids.
2. Patient apathetic, taciturn, despondent ; dislikes company, > alone ; irritability, fits of temper shallow (ctr. Nux vom.) ; feels ill-used ; over-sensitive to criticism.
3. Hyperaesthesia of the nervous system especially to touch.
4. Alimentary disorders with excessive flatulence not > by eructations or dejections ; voracious appetite yet even a light meal distresses owing to poor digestion ; desires acids and fruits which < ; < milk. Also complete anorexia.
S. Venous congestion followed by passive haemorrhages, from any mucous orifice.
6. Anaemias with throbbing, bursting headaches, singing in the ears, weakness of sight, etc., and tendency to neuralgias especially facial.
7. Periodicity of symptoms especially of fevers and neuralgias ; particularly if every other day.
8. Drawing or tearing pains in every limb and joint < rest > motion ; body sore all over.
9. Discharges generally painless but exhausting.
10. Patient < cold and damp ; autumn ; least touch yet hard pressure > ; < least draught of air ; any mental or physical exertion ; > warmth.