Nitricum Acidum

1. Dark-complexioned, thin subjects of rigid fibre who readily catch cold ; naturally or prematurely old people with general weakness and emaciation ; sycotic, or mercurio-syphilitic states, or advanced cases of phthisis.

2. Depression and irritability with vindictiveness ; patient excitable ; anxious about his disease or past troubles.

3. Ulcerations, fissures, condylomata, warts, etc., especially at all muco-cutaneous orifices, with easy though usually slight bleeding.

4. Cutting or pricking pains and sensations as from splinters, especially on touching the part.

5. Thin, offensive excoriating discharges ; sometimes purulent, dirty yellowish green.

6. Ptyalism ; offensive odour of breath, etc., with diseased conditions of the mouth in general.

7. Haemorrhages of bright red blood, generally scanty.

8. Urine scanty, dark brown and strong-smelling (Benzoïcum acidum) ; often cold when passed.

9. Ailments predominantly right-sided.

10. Modalities ; < cold ; change of weather ; night ; touch. etc. > while riding in vehicles.

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