1. Scrofulous subjects, leucophlegmatic, inactive, slow ; systems injured by mercury (first remedy).
2. Intense mental and physical hypersensitiveness ; trifles make him angry ; intolerance of pain, touch and even a draught of air.
3. General sourness and foetidness of all excretions, especially in children.
4. Profuse and easy sweating especially about the chest ; day and night without relief.
5. Throbbing and sticking pains ; sensation of splinter especially in throat.
6. Suppurative conditions when pus is about to form or is formed ; hastens suppuration (low potencies) ; staphylococcal infections (Silica – streptococcal) ; unhealthy skin, every injury suppurates ; ulcers with foetid discharge, bleed easily, extremely sensitive.
7. Respiratory complaints, especially from exposure to dry, cold air ; croupous conditions with great hoarseness, whistling respiration, hard barking cough, or when cough becomes loose and rattling ; cough < uncovering any part of body.
8. Atonic alimentary disorders ; desire for vinegar and sour, pungent things and fat.
9. Atonic condition of rectum and bladder ; (a) difficult defecation, clay-coloured stools ; (b) difficult micturition, slow, without force, urine drops vertically ; bladder never thoroughly emptied.
10. Patient chilly, < slightest draught, > mild wet weather (Caust. Nux v.) ; < night.
Note. Often indicated in slow. chronic conditions as well as acute states. especially when complaints show no sign of clearing up.