1. Especially adapted to delicate, anaemic women with sanguine temperament ; pseudo-plethora (cheeks flushed or easily flush but mucous membranes pale).
2. Mental and physical irritability ; intolerance of noise and pain ; patient excitable, impulsive, changeable ; solitude preferred.
3. Great debility with breathlessness ; easily fatigued yet must have gentle exercise.
4. Local congestions with tendency to recurrent haemorrhages, especially of upper air passages (Ferr. acet., Ferr. phos.).
5. Frequent attacks of hammering, pulsating headache, often with hot head and cold extremities.
6. Weak digestion ; anorexia, sometimes alt. with bulimia ; vomiting of food immediately after eating or coughing, or it lies in stomach all day and is then vomited just after midnight, aversion and < from eggs (rev. CaIc.).
7. Irritability of rectum and bladder resulting in (a) diarrhoea of painless, watery or lienteric stools with flatulence while eating and drinking ; (b) incontinence of urine particularly in women, spurts on coughing < day.
8. Menses premature, profuse, protracted ; flow pale, watery, debilitating.
9. Muscular pains about the shoulder especially left deltoid > gentle exertion ; also cramps.
10. Patient chilly, < winter but extreme heat also < ; >walking slowly about yet weakness obliges her to sit or lie down ; > mental exertion ; < after midnight ; < sitting still.