Carbo Vegetabilis

1. Cachectic, venous, sluggish, even stupid, old people. Persons whose vitality is weakened by exhausting diseases, loss of body fluids, or injuries.

2. Mental torpor ; memory weak ; indolence ; fear of the dark.

3. Extreme prostration ; last stages in any disease with hippocratic face ; blueness ; cold feet and legs to knees ; cold sweat breath, etc. ; thready intermittent pulse.

4. Alimentary disorders with much fermentation ; excessive accumulation of gas < upper part of abdomen ; < lying down ; > passing wind up or down ; plainest food disagrees ; dislikes meat especially fat, fat foods (Puls.) even milk.

5. Very offensive discharges.

6. Burning sensations or pains in various organs.

7. Venous, passive, persistent hemorrhages from any mucous outlet.

8. Spasmodic respiratory complaints especially in the aged ; <cold air after warm room ; discharge yellow, profuse. Hoarseness and aphonia < evenings and damp air.

9. Lack of reaction to well-selected remedies.

10. Patient chilly yet must have air ; “wants to be fanned” (Cinch.) ; < overheating ; at menstrual period ; constriction.

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