1. Stout, fleshy persons of sedentary habit ; delicate women who faint easily and fly to smelling bottle on least excuse ; old people.
2. Listlessness ; ill-humour especially during stormy weather ; desire for olfactory stimulants.
3. Haemorrhagic diathesis ; epistaxis, when washing face, after eating ; venous congestions.
4. Tendency to gangrenous degeneration of parts ; whole body seems overpowered by toxic effects of the disease (Ailanth., Bapt.).
5. Affections of respiratory tract ; acute and chronic ; stoppage of nose mostly at night, must breathe through mouth (a keynote even in diphtheria) ; catarrhs, coryzas ; chronic bronchitis especially of the aged and when associated with emphysema ; asthma. coughs, etc., gen. < 3-4 a.m.
6. Malignant scarlatina with somnolence ; threatened paralysis of brain ; toxic effects appear to centre in the throat, which is dark red, putrid, externally swollen.
7. All discharges acrid, excoriating, leaving rawness and burning.
8. Cholera-like symptoms at commencement of menstrual period ; menses premature, profuse with great fatigue – and < of all symptoms.
9. Affections mostly right-sided.
10. Modalities ; < cold, wet weather ; washing ; during menstrual period.
Note. Useful locally for stings of insects, etc.