Mind; ABSENT-MINDED (Forgetful) (111) **
Mind; ABSORBED; morning (2) *
Mind; AFFECTIONATE (see Love)(Indifference) (19) *
Mind; ANGER (irascibility)(See Irritability, Quarrelsome, Hatred) (136) ***
Mind; ANGER; morning (5) **
Mind; ANGER; ailments after anger (vexation; etc) (66) ***
Mind; ANGER; ailments after anger; with anxiety (29) ***
Mind; ANGER; ailments after anger; with fright (18) **
Mind; ANGER; ailments after anger; with indignation (10) **
Mind; ANGER; ailments after anger; with silent grief (18) *
Mind; ANGER; answer, when obliged to (6) ***
Mind; ANGER; contradiction, from (see Contradiction; is intolerant of) (30) **
Mind; ANGER; interruption, from (3) **
Mind; ANGER; stabbed, so that he could have, any one (4) *
Mind; ANGER; violent (32) ***
Mind; ANGUISH; morning (5) *
Mind; ANGUISH; night (5) *
Mind; ANSWERS; aversion to (Answers; refuses to) (51) ***
Mind; ANSWERS; incorrectly (8) **
Mind; ANSWERS; irrelevantly (18) *
Mind; ANXIETY (Brooding)(Cares; full of)(Thoughts tormenting)(Generalities; Anxiety) (200) **
Mind; ANXIETY; morning (36) **
Mind; ANXIETY; morning; rising, on; amel. (6) *
Mind; ANXIETY; morning; waking, on (25) **
Mind; ANXIETY; afternoon (27) *
Mind; ANXIETY; evening (74) **
Mind; ANXIETY; evening; bed in (45) **
Mind; ANXIETY; evening; twilight, in the (11) *
Mind; ANXIETY; night (93) *
Mind; ANXIETY; night; midnight, before (30) *
Mind; ANXIETY; night; midnight, after (15) ***
Mind; ANXIETY; bed; in (44) *
Mind; ANXIETY; chill; during (27) *
Mind; ANXIETY; coffee, after (4) *
Mind; ANXIETY; conscience, of (as if guilty of a crime)(See also Delusion, crime; as if he had committed)(Delusions; wrong; fancies) (41) **
Mind; ANXIETY; eating; after (36) ***
Mind; ANXIETY; fear with (85) *
Mind; ANXIETY; fever, during (75) *
Mind; ANXIETY; flatus; from (2) **
Mind; ANXIETY; future, about (68) **
Mind; ANXIETY; health, about (31) *
Mind; ANXIETY; lying, while (9) *
Mind; ANXIETY; menses; before (19) **
Mind; ANXIETY; menses; during (22) *
Mind; ANXIETY; mental exertion (16) *
Mind; ANXIETY; sleep; during (see Dreams) (32) *
Mind; ANXIETY; stool; after (14) *
Mind; ANXIETY; suicidal (Suicidal) (10) *
Mind; ANXIETY; supper, after (2) *
Mind; ANXIETY; waking, on (65) **
Mind; ANXIETY; walking; while (19) *
Mind; ANXIETY; walking; in open air (12) *
Mind; ARDENT (1) *
Mind; BROODING (see Anxiety)(Sadness)(Dwells on past disagreeable occurrences) (26) *
Mind; CAREFULNESS (see Cautious) (6) **
Mind; CENSORIOUS, critical (53) **
Mind; CHEERFUL (gay, happy)(See Mirth) (120) **
Mind; COMPANY; aversion to (Men; dread of) (98) ***
Mind; COMPANY; aversion to; menses during; desires to be let alone (2) *
Mind; COMPANY; desire for (58) **
Mind; COMPLAINING (see Lamenting) (34) **
Mind; CONCENTRATION; difficult (Confusion of mind) (159) ***
Mind; CONCENTRATION; difficult; calculating, while (1) ***
Mind; CONCENTRATION; difficult; studying, reading, while (22) ***
Mind; CONFOUNDING objects and ideas (6) *
Mind; CONFUSION (see Concentration) (219) ***
Mind; CONFUSION; morning (100) *
Mind; CONFUSION; afternoon (30) *
Mind; CONFUSION; evening (65) *
Mind; CONFUSION; air, in open (11) *
Mind; CONFUSION; calculating, when (2) **
Mind; CONFUSION; carousal, after a (2) ***
Mind; CONFUSION; dinner, after (9) *
Mind; CONFUSION; eating, after (49) **
Mind; CONFUSION; intoxicated; as if (28) *
Mind; CONFUSION; intoxicated; as after being (31) **
Mind; CONFUSION; mental exertion, from (41) **
Mind; CONFUSION; motion, from (15) *
Mind; CONFUSION; spirituous liquors, from (7) ***
Mind; CONFUSION; sun, in the (2) *
Mind; CONFUSION; vexation, after (1) *
Mind; CONSCIENTIOUS about trifles (see Fastidious)(Thoughts persistent) (35) **
Mind; CONSOLATION; agg. (Irritability, consolation, agg)(Weeping; consolation, agg) (23) *
Mind; CONTEMPTUOUS (Egotism)(Haughty)(Scorn) (21) **
Mind; CONTRADICT, disposition to (20) *
Mind; CONTRADICTION, is intolerant of (see Anger; contradiction, from) (35) **
Mind; CONTRARY (see Obstinate)(Irritable) (44) **
Mind; CONVERSATION agg. (Talk of others agg.)(Confusion; conversation, agg.)(Talking) (35) **
Mind; CRUELTY (see Moral feeling)(Malicious) (8) *
Mind; CURSING (see Abusive)(Scolding) (27) **
Mind; DEATH; desires (see Loathing of Life)(Killed; wants to be) (42) *
Mind; DEATH; presentiment of (40) **
Mind; DEATH; sensation of (16) *
Mind; DEATH; sensation of; spasm, during (1) *
Mind; DEFIANT (see Disobedience) (9) *
Mind; DELIRIUM (see Delusions, Ecstasy, Muttering, Prophesying) (137) **
Mind; DELIRIUM; evening; nap, during (1) *
Mind; DELIRIUM; night (48) *
Mind; DELIRIUM; anxious (13) *
Mind; DELIRIUM; chill, during (11) *
Mind; DELIRIUM; frightful (22) *
Mind; DELIRIUM; muttering (Muttering) (33) *
Mind; DELIRIUM; recognizes no one (9) *
Mind; DELUSIONS (imaginations, hallucinations, illusions) (92) *
Mind; DELUSIONS; bed; evening, as if some one would get into and no room in it, or as if some one had sold it (1) *
Mind; DELUSIONS; bed; as if some one was in, with him (12) *
Mind; DELUSIONS; criminals, about (24) *
Mind; DELUSIONS; dead persons; sees (50) *
Mind; DELUSIONS; dead persons; corpse; mutilated (7) *
Mind; DELUSIONS; die; thought he was about to (16) *
Mind; DELUSIONS; dying, that he is (4) *
Mind; DELUSIONS; enlarged (Delusions; large)(Delusions; images) (17) *
Mind; DELUSIONS; faces, sees (Delusions; images) (25) **
Mind; DELUSIONS; faces, sees; hideous (13) *
Mind; DELUSIONS; fail, everything will (6) *
Mind; DELUSIONS; fancy, illusions of (98) *
Mind; DELUSIONS; head; deceased acquaintances, of, without bodies at night (1) *
Mind; DELUSIONS; house; is full of people (10) *
Mind; DELUSIONS; images, phantoms, sees (see Faces)(Figures)(Men)(Spectres)(Visions) (60) *
Mind; DELUSIONS; images, phantoms, sees; night (36) *
Mind; DELUSIONS; images, phantoms, sees; frightful (55) *
Mind; DELUSIONS; injury; is about to receive (11) *
Mind; DELUSIONS; insulted thinks he is (10) *
Mind; DELUSIONS; melancholy; while half awake at night (1) *
Mind; DELUSIONS; murdered; thought her mother had been (1) *
Mind; DELUSIONS; mutilated bodies, sees (7) **
Mind; DELUSIONS; people; beside him, are (12) *
Mind; DELUSIONS; poor, thinks he is (Delusions; starve, family will)(Delusions; want) (8) *
Mind; DELUSIONS; sold; his bed, some one has (1) *
Mind; DELUSIONS; strangers; thinks he sees (5) *
Mind; DELUSIONS; vermin; sees crawl about (10) **
Mind; DESPAIR (84) *
Mind; DESPAIR; chill, during (18) *
Mind; DESPAIR; pains, with the (15) *
Mind; DESPAIR; recovery (Doubtful; recovery of) (23) *
Mind; DIPSOMANIA. (see stomach; desires alcohol) (15) **
Mind; DISCONTENTED (displeased, dissatisfied, etc) (126) **
Mind; DISOBEDIENCE (see defiant) (19) *
Mind; DOUBTFUL; recovery, of (Despair; recovery of) (14) *
Mind; DOUBTFUL; soul’s welfare, of (Despair; salvation; of) (16) *
Mind; DULLNESS (sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and comprehending) (178) **
Mind; DULLNESS; loss of fluids, after (3) **
Mind; DULLNESS; mental exertion, from (21) **
Mind; DULLNESS; reading, while (26) **
Mind; ENNUI (see Loathing of Life) (33) **
Mind; ESCAPE, attempts to (47) **
Mind; ESCAPE, attempts to; spring up suddenly from bed (4) *
Mind; ESCAPE, attempts to; to run away (10) *
Mind; EXCITEMENT (excitable) (161) ***
Mind; EXCITEMENT; morning (18) **
Mind; EXCITEMENT; evening (26) **
Mind; EXCITEMENT; evening; bed in (26) ***
Mind; EXCITEMENT; night (23) **
Mind; EXCITEMENT; chill, during (20) **
Mind; EXCITEMENT; emotional, ailments from (39) **
Mind; EXCITEMENT; horrible things, after hearing (10) *
Mind; EXCITEMENT; menses; before (9) **
Mind; EXCITEMENT; perspiration, during (11) *
Mind; EXERTION; mental (79) ***
Mind; FANCIES; exaltation of (80) *
Mind; FASTIDIOUS ( see Conscientious about trifles)(Thoughts persistent) (2) **
Mind; FEAR (see Anxiety) (142) **
Mind; FEAR; morning (11) **
Mind; FEAR; afternoon (15) **
Mind; FEAR; afternoon; 5 p.m. (1) *
Mind; FEAR; evening (45) *
Mind; FEAR; evening; walking, while (1) **
Mind; FEAR; air, in open (3) *
Mind; FEAR; alone, of being (see Company) (43) *
Mind; FEAR; crowd, in a (40) **
Mind; FEAR; disease, of impending (43) **
Mind; FEAR; evil of (80) *
Mind; FEAR; falling, of (12) *
Mind; FEAR; falling, of; afternoon (1) *
Mind; FEAR; insanity, of (47) **
Mind; FEAR; killing, of (9) *
Mind; FEAR; killing, of; with a knife (3) **
Mind; FEAR; noise, from (see Anxiety; noise, from)(Sensitive; noise to) (21) *
Mind; FEAR; poverty (see Avarice)(Selfish)(Delusions; wealth, imaginations of) (11) *
Mind; FEAR; sleep; to go to (8) *
Mind; FEAR; waking, on (32) **
Mind; FEAR; walking, of; while (8) *
Mind; FEAR; water, of (17) *
Mind; FEAR; work, dread of; literary, of (3) *
Mind; FOOLISH behavior (Gestures; ridiculous)(Childish) (43) *
Mind; FORGETFUL (Absent minded)(Aphasia)(Memory) (154) *
Mind; FORGETFUL; words, of, while speaking (30) **
Mind; FRIGHT, complaints from (46) **
Mind; FRIGHTENED easily. (see Starting) (76) **
Mind; FRIGHTENED easily.; falling asleep, on (4) *
Mind; FRIGHTENED easily.; trifles, at (25) *
Mind; FRIGHTENED easily.; waking, on (17) *
Mind; FRIGHTENED easily.; wakens; in a fright from least noise (1) *
Mind; FROWN, disposed to (Face; Wrinkled; forehead) (5) *
Mind; GESTURES, makes (17) *
Mind; GESTURES, makes; hands; grasping, or reaching at something; sides of the bed, at (1) *
Mind; GRIEF (32) **
Mind; GRIEF; ailments, from (see Bad news; ailments from) (31) **
Mind; HAUGHTY (Contemptuous)(Egotism) (37) *
Mind; HONOR, effects of wounded (Egotism) (3) *
Mind; HORRIBLE things, sad stories, affect her profoundly (10) **
Mind; HURRY (Impatience)(Impetuous)(Time passes too slowly) (72) **
Mind; HYSTERIA (110) ***
Mind; HYSTERIA; fainting (13) **
Mind; IDEAS; abundant (clearness of mind) (88) **
Mind; IDEAS; abundant; evening (16) **
Mind; IDEAS; abundant; evening; bed, in (14) ***
Mind; IDEAS; abundant; night (24) **
Mind; IMBECILITY (Idiocy) (103) ***
Mind; IMPATIENCE (Hurry)(Impetuous) (82) ***
Mind; IMPATIENCE; heat, with (8) **
Mind; IMPETUOUS. (see Hurry)(Impatience) (26) ***
Mind; IMPULSIVE (11) *
Mind; INCONSOLABLE (17) **
Mind; INDIFFERENCE (apathy, etc.)(Aversion; everything to) (144) *
Mind; INDIGNATION; bad-effects following (5) *
Mind; INDIGNATION; symptoms following (5) *
Mind; INDISCRETION (Reveals secrets)(Talking; reveals secrets) (13) **
Mind; INDOLENCE (aversion to work) (138) ***
Mind; INDOLENCE; morning (35) *
Mind; INDOLENCE; eating, after (15) *
Mind; INSANITY (madness) (112) ***
Mind; INSANITY; drunkards, in (20) ***
Mind; INSANITY; mental labor, from (5) *
Mind; INSOLENT (see Rudeness)(Impertinence) (16) **
Mind; IRRESOLUTION (106) **
Mind; IRRITABILITY (Contrary)(Quarrelsome)(Anger) (245) ***
Mind; IRRITABILITY; morning (56) *
Mind; IRRITABILITY; morning; waking, on (38) *
Mind; IRRITABILITY; air, in open (12) *
Mind; IRRITABILITY; chill, during (55) **
Mind; IRRITABILITY; coition, after (22) *
Mind; IRRITABILITY; consolation agg. (Consolation; agg) (18) *
Mind; IRRITABILITY; eating, after (24) **
Mind; IRRITABILITY; emission, after (8) **
Mind; IRRITABILITY; headache, during (52) **
Mind; IRRITABILITY; heat; during (21) **
Mind; IRRITABILITY; menses; before (11) **
Mind; IRRITABILITY; menses; during (40) **
Mind; IRRITABILITY; questioned, when (9) ***
Mind; IRRITABILITY; spoken to, when (22) *
Mind; IRRITABILITY; waking, on (51) *
Mind; JEALOUSY (Envy) (17) **
Mind; JESTING; averse to (21) *
Mind; KILL, desire to (Death; desires) (21) **
Mind; KILL, desire to; something urges her to, her husband, of whom she is very fond (3) **
Mind; KILL, desire to; sudden impulse to (8) **
Mind; KILL, desire to; sudden impulse to; for a slight offence (3) **
Mind; KILL, desire to; sudden impulse to; throw child into fire (3) **
Mind; KLEPTOMANIA (15) **
Mind; LAUGHING (Giggling) (77) *
Mind; LAUGHING; immoderately (13) **
Mind; LEWDNESS (Insanity; erotic)(Lascivious, Shameless, Kisses) (18) *
Mind; LEWDNESS; talk (11) **
Mind; LIBERTINISM (4) **
Mind; LONGING; repose for tranquility (1) *
Mind; LOOKED at, cannot bear to be (13) *
Mind; LOQUACITY (see Speech) (96) *
Mind; LOQUACITY; evening (7) *
Mind; LOVE; ailments, from disappointed (17) *
Mind; MALICIOUS (Cruelty)(Hatred, Mischievous, Wicked) (64) ***
Mind; MANIA (madness, See Delirium)(Insanity)(Rage) (78) ***
Mind; MANIA-A-POTU (50) ***
Mind; MEMORY; active (see Ideas) (71) **
Mind; MEMORY; weakness of (see Mistakes)(Forgetful)(Absent-minded) (164) **
Mind; MEMORY; weakness of; expressing one’s self, for (15) **
Mind; MEMORY; weakness of; labor for mental; fatigue, from (11) *
Mind; MEMORY; weakness of; persons, for (16) *
Mind; MEMORY; weakness of; words, for (32) **
Mind; MISCHIEVOUS (Malicious) (16) ***
Mind; MISTAKES; in calculating (11) **
Mind; MISTAKES; measure and weight and gives wrong answers (1) *
Mind; MISTAKES; speaking (62) *
Mind; MISTAKES; speaking; wrong answers, gives (4) *
Mind; MISTAKES; spelling, in (Mistakes; writing in) (14) *
Mind; MISTAKES; time, in (28) *
Mind; MISTAKES; words; misplacing (Mistakes in writing) (42) **
Mind; MISTAKES; writing, in (49) *
Mind; MISTAKES; writing, in; omitting; letters (12) *
Mind; MISTAKES; writing, in; omitting; syllables (6) *
Mind; MISTAKES; writing, in; omitting; words (12) *
Mind; MOANING (groaning)(See Lamenting) (77) **
Mind; MOANING; heat, during (13) *
Mind; MOANING; sleep, during (35) **
Mind; MOOD; alternating (Capricious)(Inconstancy) (59) **
Mind; MOROSE (Sadness) (75) ***
Mind; MORTIFICATION ailments after (Indignation)(Rudeness; ailments from) (25) *
Mind; MUTTERING (see Delirium) (35) *
Mind; NYMPHOMANIA (50) **
Mind; OBSTINATE (see Pertinacity)(Contrary)(Positiveness) (70) ***
Mind; OCCUPATION; amel. (Busy) (27) **
Mind; OFFENDED, easily (see Sensitive)(Irritability; takes everything in bad part) (52) ***
Mind; PLANS, making many (Theorizing) (11) *
Mind; PROSTRATION of mind (77) ***
Mind; QUARRELSOME (see Fight; wants to)(Anger)(Irritability) (90) ***
Mind; QUARRELSOME; jealousy, from (3) *
Mind; QUIET; disposition (29) *
Mind; QUIET; wants to be; desires repose and tranquility (1) *
Mind; RAGE; epilepsy; with (6) *
Mind; READING; averse to (20) **
Mind; RELIGIOUS affections (see Anxiety)(Despair)(Fear) (51) *
Mind; REMORSE (Thoughts; tormenting) (39) *
Mind; REPROACHES; others (20) **
Mind; REPULSIVE mood (Unattractive, things seem) (36) *
Mind; RESERVED (47) *
Mind; RESTLESSNESS (nervousness)(Wander; desires to) (249) **
Mind; RESTLESSNESS; evening (44) *
Mind; RESTLESSNESS; evening; bed, in (7) *
Mind; RESTLESSNESS; night (169) *
Mind; RESTLESSNESS; anxious, etc. (74) *
Mind; RESTLESSNESS; bed; driving out of (33) *
Mind; RESTLESSNESS; chest; from heat rising up into the mouth from (1) *
Mind; RESTLESSNESS; eating; after (14) *
Mind; RESTLESSNESS; lying, while (4) *
Mind; RESTLESSNESS; menses; before (12) **
Mind; RESTLESSNESS; menses; during (38) **
Mind; RESTLESSNESS; menses; suppressed, during (8) *
Mind; RIDICULE, mania to (Mocking) (5) *
Mind; ROVING about; senseless, insane (8) **
Mind; RUDENESS (Impertinence)(Insolent) (22) **
Mind; RUDENESS; ailments, from (Honor; effects of wounded)(Indignation)(Mortification) (7) *
Mind; SADNESS (mental depression)(See Grief)(Morose) (247) **
Mind; SADNESS; morning (Sadness; waking on) (59) **
Mind; SADNESS; anger, after (8) *
Mind; SADNESS; chill; during (32) *
Mind; SADNESS; dinner, after (3) **
Mind; SADNESS; eating; after (22) ***
Mind; SADNESS; emission, from (10) ***
Mind; SADNESS; masturbation, from (15) *
Mind; SADNESS; menses; suppressed (17) *
Mind; SADNESS; music from (15) *
Mind; SADNESS; perspiration, during (25) *
Mind; SADNESS; quiet (2) *
Mind; SADNESS; supper, after (1) *
Mind; SADNESS; walking, while; in open air (13) *
Mind; SCORN (see Contempt; ailments from) (22) ***
Mind; SENSES; acute (17) ***
Mind; SENSES; dullness of (74) *
Mind; SENSES; vanishing, of (37) **
Mind; SENSITIVE (oversensitive)(See Offended) (111) ***
Mind; SENSITIVE; ailments, to the most trifling (1) *
Mind; SENSITIVE; external impressions, to all (10) **
Mind; SENSITIVE; light (8) ***
Mind; SENSITIVE; menses, before (3) **
Mind; SENSITIVE; music, to (Hearing; Acute; music, to) (27) ***
Mind; SENSITIVE; noise, to (see Anxiety; noise from)(Ear; Sensitive)(Irritability; from noise)(Starting from noise) (90) ***
Mind; SENSITIVE; noise, to; slightest (18) ***
Mind; SENSITIVE; noise, to; stepping, of (4) ***
Mind; SENSITIVE; noise, to; voices (12) ***
Mind; SENSITIVE; rudeness, to (7) *
Mind; SENSITIVE; sensual impressions, to (21) *
Mind; SENSITIVE; singing, to (1) *
Mind; SEXUAL excesses, mental symptoms from (Generalities; Sexual excesses)(Lewdness) (37) ***
Mind; SHAMELESS (Indifference)(Naked) (19) *
Mind; SHRIEKING (78) *
Mind; SHRIEKING; convulsions; before (30) *
Mind; SHRIEKING; drinking, while (1) *
Mind; SHRIEKING; feels as tho’ she must (14) *
Mind; SHRIEKING; urinating, before (5) *
Mind; SIGHING; heat, during (15) *
Mind; SIGHING; perspiration, during (16) *
Mind; SIT, inclination to (96) ***
Mind; SLANDER, disposition to (12) **
Mind; SPEECH; hasty (28) *
Mind; SPEECH; intoxicated, as if (9) **
Mind; SPEECH; monosyllabic (Answers; monosyllable) (7) **
Mind; SPEECH; prattling (10) *
Mind; SPEECH; prattling; in sleep (1) **
Mind; SPEECH; unintelligible (14) *
Mind; SPEECH; wandering (40) *
Mind; SPOKEN to, averse to being (43) *
Mind; STARTING (startled) (91) **
Mind; STARTING; easily (39) **
Mind; STARTING; noise, from (Sensitive; noise to) (50) ***
Mind; STARTING; sleep; on falling (52) **
Mind; STARTING; sleep; during (80) **
Mind; STARTING; sleep; from (81) **
Mind; STARTING; trifles at (19) **
Mind; STRIKING (31) **
Mind; STRIKING; about him at imaginary objects (14) *
Mind; STUPEFACTION (Memory; weakness; labor, for mental) (115) ***
Mind; STUPEFACTION; air, in open (2) **
Mind; STUPEFACTION; dinner, after (4) *
Mind; STUPEFACTION; sun, agg. in (1) **
Mind; SUCCEEDS, never (Delusion; succeed, that he cannot) (8) *
Mind; SUICIDAL disposition; night, at (4) *
Mind; SUICIDAL disposition; midnight, after (2) *
Mind; SUICIDAL disposition; heat, during (6) *
Mind; SUICIDAL disposition; lacks courage but (8) ***
Mind; SUICIDAL disposition; pains, from (5) **
Mind; SUICIDAL disposition; shooting, by (9) *
Mind; SUICIDAL disposition; throwing himself from a height (10) **
Mind; SULKY (33) **
Mind; SUSPICIOUS (75) **
Mind; SUSPICIOUS; afternoon (2) *
Mind; SYMPATHETIC (15) **
Mind; TALK; indisposed to, desire to be silent, taciturn (154) **
Mind; TALK; indisposed to, desire to be silent, taciturn; heat, during (4) *
Mind; TALK; of others agg. (31) ***
Mind; TALKING; sleep, in (Loquacity; sleep, during) (63) **
Mind; TALKING; sleep, in; excited (5) *
Mind; THINKING; complaints, of; agg. (44) **
Mind; THOUGHTS; persistent (see Delusions) (63) **
Mind; THOUGHTS; thoughtful (45) *
Mind; THOUGHTS; vanishing of (55) *
Mind; TIME; fritters away his (2) *
Mind; TIME; passes too slowly (Delusions; time; exaggeration of)(Hurry) (21) **
Mind; TIMIDITY (77) **
Mind; TIMIDITY; bashful (34) *
Mind; TOUCHED; aversion to being (Generalities; Touch; agg) (33) *
Mind; UNCONSCIOUSNESS; morning (15) ***
Mind; UNCONSCIOUSNESS; air, in open (2) *
Mind; UNCONSCIOUSNESS; chill; during (14) *
Mind; UNCONSCIOUSNESS; eating, after (4) **
Mind; UNCONSCIOUSNESS; fever, during (25) *
Mind; UNCONSCIOUSNESS; menses; during (12) *
Mind; UNCONSCIOUSNESS; menses; suppression of (8) *
Mind; UNCONSCIOUSNESS; odors, from (2) ***
Mind; UNCONSCIOUSNESS; parturition, during (5) ***
Mind; UNCONSCIOUSNESS; pregnancy, during (3) **
Mind; UNCONSCIOUSNESS; vertigo, during (38) *
Mind; VIOLENT (vehement, etc.)(See Anger)(Rage)(Wildness)(Gestures; violent) (63) ***
Mind; VIOLENT; deeds, rage, leading to (18) **
Mind; VIVACIOUS (see Cheerful) (27) *
Mind; WEARISOME (77) *
Mind; WEARY of life (see Ennui)(Loathing) (51) **
Mind; WEARY of life; night (2) *
Mind; WEEPING (tearful mood; etc.)(Lamenting) (167) **
Mind; WEEPING; night (52) **
Mind; WEEPING; night; sleep, in (11) **
Mind; WEEPING; aloud (16) *
Mind; WEEPING; alternating with; laughter (30) *
Mind; WEEPING; anger, after (4) **
Mind; WEEPING; consolation agg. (Consolation agg) (21) *
Mind; WEEPING; contradiction, from (4) *
Mind; WEEPING; music, from (8) *
Mind; WEEPING; opposition, at least (1) *
Mind; WEEPING; perspiration, during the (25) *
Mind; WEEPING; sad thoughts, at; but is impossible to weep (1) **
Mind; WEEPING; sleep, in (53) **
Mind; WEEPING; vexation, from (8) *
Mind; WEEPING; waking, on (22) *
Mind; WEEPING; whimpering (8) *
Mind; WORK; aversion to mental (see Indolence)(Loathing work) (107) ***
Mind; WORK; complaints, from (4) *
Mind; WORK; impossible (25) *
Mind; WRONG, everything seems (5) *