Secale cornutum

The best provers of Secale, those who are most susceptible to its action, are scrawny people, and they are the ones who will most likely need it as their curative remedy. Of course, it is not necessarily contraindicated in fat people. Certain constitutions are mentioned in connection with a remedy as being suited to it,


The action of Silica is slow. In the proving, it takes a long time to develop the symptoms. It is, therefore, suited to complaints that develop slowly. At certain times of the year and under certain circumstances peculiar symptoms will come out. They may stay with the prover the balance of his life. Such are

Spongia tosta

The mental symptoms of Spongia show that it is a heart remedy. When a remedy produces the anxiety, fear, and dyspnea found in Spongia, it will most likely turn out to be a cardiac remedy, unless these conditions are connected with irritation and inflammatory diseases of the brain. In this drug we find without any


Sulphur is such a full remedy that it is somewhat difficult to tell where to begin. It seems to contain a likeness of all the sicknesses of man, and a beginner on reading over the proving of Sulphur might naturally think that he would need no other remedy, as the image of all sickness seems

Sulphuric acid

The sensation of quivering all over the body and in the limbs without visible trembling is a very strong symptom of Sulphuric acid, and especially if it is associated with weakness that has been of long standing. The exhaustion, excitability and hurried feeling are constant factors. The hemorrhagic disposition with many complaints. Black fluid blood


Whenever the symptoms that are representative of the patient himself have been suppressed in any case of syphilis, and nothing remains but weakness and a few results of the storm that has long ago or recently passed, this nosode will cause reaction and restore order and sometimes do much curing, and the symptoms that must

Argentum Nitricum

1. Subjects withered, old-looking through disease, especially after unusual or, long-continued mental exertion ; children. 2. Hypochondriasis ; lacks self-confidence ; apprehensive, hurried, discontented ; time passes slowly ; suicidal impulses. 3. General debility with nervous tremors. 4. Strange sensations ; (a) of expansion in various parts, (b) as of splinter, especially in the throat,


1. Sanguine, ruddy persons with dark hair and eyes ; old people ; scrofulous or mercurio-syphilitic subjects. 2. Profound melancholia with desire for death and suicidal tendencies ; often connected with liver troubles in men ; with uterine troubles in women. 3. Specially adapted to pining boys, low-spirited, lifeless. lacking vim ; testes undeveloped. 4.


1. Low, septic fevers with great prostration and muttering delirium ; face dark red ; vacant, stupid, even besotted expression 2. Great mental confusion ; sensation of divided personality expressed in various ways, e.g. body feels scattered, tries to collect the pieces. Concentration difficult (falls asleep while being spoken to or while answering question). 3.


1. Phlegmatic scrofulous subjects with low vitality, children who dislike sweets. 2. Various complaints (catarrhal, rheumatic, dropsical, etc.) from exposure to or < by damp, cold atmosphere (Lemna, Natrum sulfuricum) especially sudden changes in hot weather (Bryonia alba), < evening and night. 3. Suppression of discharges or retrocession of eruptions from damp air, working in