
The general constitutional state of Chamomilla is great sensitiveness; sensitive to every impression; sensitive to surroundings; sensitive to persons; and, above all, sensitive to pain. The constitutional irritability is so great that a Little pain brings forth manifestations as if the patient were in very great suffering. It naturally belongs to the woman’s nervous system,

Coccus cacti

There is a little remedy and will be a relief after the study of so many difficult ones. With fuller proving it will doubtless show itself a deep acting constitutional remedy. Although it has cured some deep-seated chronic troubles, it has been used chiefly in acute affections. This is only because of the scantiness of

Cuprum metallicum

Cuprum is pre-eminently a convulsive medicine. The convulsive tendency associates itself with almost every complaint that Cuprum creates and cures. It has convulsions in every degree of violence, from the mere twitching of little muscles and of single muscles to convulsions of all the muscles of the body. When these are coming on the earliest

Drosera rotundifolia

The use of this medicine has been mostly limited to whooping cough, but it has a more extensive use. When we examine its spasmodic nature, its exhaustion, its cramps, which extend through a large number of complaints, we must realize that it is a more extensive remedy. Epileptiform spasms, prolonged sleeplessness, copious sweat on waking

Kali carbonicum

The Kali carb. patient is a hard patient to study, and the remedy itself is a hard one to study. It is not used as often as it should be, and the reason is that it is a very complex and confusing remedy. It has a great many opposite symptoms, changing symptoms, and this it

Kali phosphoricum

The symptoms of this remedy are worse morning, evening, and during the night. The over-sensitive, nervous, delicate persons, worn out from long suffering, much sorrow and vexation, and prolonged mental work; also such as are broken down from sexual excesses and vices. It is a long-acting antipsoric. Anemic and chlorotic patients. Most complaints are worse

Kali sulphuricum

Two very deep acting remedies unite to form this one. It was left to Schussler to show its first curative powers. Dewey’s work on the “Tissue Remedies” gives the best presentation from the biochemical view. The writer gathered the symptoms from reported cures for many years, and found that they were justified by the study


The many strange constitutional symptoms indicate feeble circulation and weak heart. Great general coldness, that is not ameliorated by external warmth. It is like wrapping up a dead man. Yet if he approaches a warm stove nausea comes on. If he is in a warm room the sweat breaks out on the forehead and the


1. Children (especially dark-haired) with worm affections ; pale face, white about the mouth, boring of nose with finger, grinding of teeth at night, restless sleep, hunger, fever, etc. 2. Ill humour ; cannot be quieted ; dislikes caresses ; rejects everything offered : may want to be carried but is no better. 3. Spasmodic

Cuprum Metallicum

1. Prostration with nervous trembling particularly as a result of mental strain and loss of sleep. 2. Patient ill-natured, angry, spiteful ; mentally and physically oversensitive. 3. Cramps, convulsions and spasmodic affections generally. Clonic spasms beginning in fingers and toes. Epilepsies without any clear symptoms or where aura begins in knees and ascends. 4. Paralysis