Insecurity of rectum; rectum feels full of heavy fluid, which will fall out, and does, if he does not go to stool immediately. Diarrhea. Solid stool, passing (in large balls) away involuntarily and unnoticed. Great fullness and weight in whole abdomen, with feeling of weight in rectum and hæmorrhoids protruding like a bunch of grapes; > by cold water applied.

Aethusa Cynapium

Especially for children during dentition in hot summer weather; children who cannot bear milk. Great weakness; children cannot stand; unable to hold up the head (Abrot.); prostration with sleepiness.

Idiocy in children; incapacity to think; confused. An expression of great anxiety and pain, with a drawn condition and well-marked linea nasalia.

Features expressive of pain and anxiety.


Alternate constipation and diarrhoea; lineteria. Marasmus of children with marked emaciation, especially of legs (Iod., Sanic., Tub.); the skin is flabby and hangs loose in folds (of neck, Nat. m., Sanic.). In marasmus head weak, cannot hold it up. (Aeth.). Marasmus of lower extremities only. Ravenous hunger; loosing flesh while eating well (Iod., Nat. m.,