
The general constitutional state of Chamomilla is great sensitiveness; sensitive to every impression; sensitive to surroundings; sensitive to persons; and, above all, sensitive to pain. The constitutional irritability is so great that a Little pain brings forth manifestations as if the patient were in very great suffering. It naturally belongs to the woman’s nervous system,

Cocculus indicus

We will study the general system and the mind as usual. Cocculus slows down all the activities of the body and mind, producing a sort of paralytic weakness. Behind time in all its actions. All the nervous impressions are slow in reaching the centers. If you pinch this patient on the great toe he waits

Coccus cacti

There is a little remedy and will be a relief after the study of so many difficult ones. With fuller proving it will doubtless show itself a deep acting constitutional remedy. Although it has cured some deep-seated chronic troubles, it has been used chiefly in acute affections. This is only because of the scantiness of


This medicine seems especially to affect the mucous membranes It appears to have a tendency to establish or ultimate discharges, both acute and chronic. The Dulcamara patient is disturbed by every change in the weather, from warm to cold, from dry to moist, and from suddenly cooling the body while perspiring. He is ameliorated in


If you will observe the weather conditions in sharp climates, such as Minnesota, Massachusetts and Canada, you will find that the cold spells are very intense and that people, when exposed, come down with complaints very rapidly and violently. That is the way the Bell. and Acon. cases come on, but Gelsemium complaints do not


The complaints of Graphites are worse morning, evening and during the NIGHT, especially before midnight. It is useful in people who are morbidly fat, or have been fat and are now emaciating; with constipation more commonly than diarrhea; in women in these conditions whose menstrual habit is pale, late, short and scanty; catarrhal discharges that

Hepar sulphur

The Hepar patient is chilly. He is sensitive to the cold and wants an unusual amount of clothing when in cold air. He wants the sleeping room very warm and can endure much heat in the room, many degrees warmer than a healthy person ordinarily desires. He has no endurance in the cold and all

Hydrastis canadensis

Hydrastis is a slow, deep acting remedy, required in many trophic disturbances where there is emaciation, catarrhal conditions and ulceration, even malignant ulceration. Defective assimilation. When it is noticed that the stomach is the center of most of the symptom complex. The desires and aversions often give the key to a very complex totality of


Ignatia is frequently required and is especially suited to sensitive, delicate women and children; to hysterical women. You will not cure the natural hysterics with Ignatia, but you will cure those gentle, sensitive, fine fibred, refined, highly educated, overwrought women in their nervous complaints with Ignatia when they take on complaints that are similar to


This remedy, in all of its complaints whether acute or chronic, has a peculiar kind of anxiety that is felt both in mind and body. It seems also that this state of anxiety is attended with a thrill that goes throughout his frame unless he removes it by motion or change of position. The anxiety