
Pus from smallpox pustule. (A Nosode.) Only fragmentary provings. Bears the same relation to smallpox that Antitoxin does to diphtheria. An extended clinical record by competent and reliable observers attest its curative value in variola – simple, confluent and malignant – as well as in varioloid and varicella. It has done splendid work in all


VARIOLINUM – Lymph from Small-pox Pustule Used for “internal vaccination.” Seems to be efficacious in protecting against, modifying and aiding in the cure of smallpox. Head.–Morbid fear of small-pox. Deafness. Pain in occiput. Inflamed eyelids. Respiratory.–Oppressed breathing. Throat feels closed. Cough with thick viscid, bloody mucus. Feeling of a lump in right side of throat.