
1. Low, septic fevers with great prostration and muttering delirium ; face dark red ; vacant, stupid, even besotted expression 2. Great mental confusion ; sensation of divided personality expressed in various ways, e.g. body feels scattered, tries to collect the pieces. Concentration difficult (falls asleep while being spoken to or while answering question). 3.

Crotalus Horridus

1. Adynamic conditions in general, especially low, malignant fevers ; great prostration, low muttering delirium, tongue dry, brown, cracked or yellow with brown centre and red edges, etc. Bubonic and pneumonic plague. 2. Hemorrhagic tendencies ; from any or all orifices, from gums, under skin, nails, etc. 3, Septicemic states ; zymotic or septic poisonings


1. Dark, phlegmatic subjects ; or women with red hair and freckled complexion, especially at climaxis ; also broken-down constitutions. 2. Extreme alternations, mind and sensorium, (a) Mental activity with almost prophetic perception ; ecstasy ; loquacity with rapid change of subject especially when delirious ; hurry and flurry ; delusion of voices, etc. (b)