
Chelidonium is a remedy more suitable for acute diseases, though it cures certain chronic conditions. It is not a very deep acting remedy. It is about like Bryonia in its general planes length and depth of action. It has been used principally in gastric and intestinal catarrhs, in acute and semi-chronic liver troubles, and in

Chininum arsenicosum

Complaints come on at night. Open air aggravates most complaints. General increasing anemia. Inflamed parts turn black. Chlorosis. Sensitive to cold, and complaints are worse from cold and from becoming cold. Tendency to take cold. This is a useful remedy in weakly constitutions. Cold, pale, emaciated people. In prolonged suppuration; after hemorrhages. Chronic diarrhea, when

Crotalus horridus

The first impression would be to rebel against the use of such substances as Crotalus, Lachesis, Apis and other animal poisons, and it” is true that ” the lay mind must look with something like horror upon their administration; but when they are properly used and when we consider the dreadfulness of the necessity demanding


Lachesis is a frequently indicated remedy, and one that you will need to study much in order to know how to use. Lachesis seems to fit the whole human race, for the race is pretty well filled up with snake as to disposition and character and this venom only causes to appear that which is

Magnesia muriatica

It would seem rather strange that the two remedies to which Hahnemann gave such a good start by proving and use should be so neglected and forgotten as Magnesia carb. and Magnesia mur. have been. These two, if used, would cure many of the liver troubles that are not now cured. Magnesia mur. could cure

Nux vomica

Everywhere in this remedy we observe the striking oversensitiveness of the patient; it is brought out in all the symptoms. Irritable; oversensitive to noise, to light, to the least current of air, to his surrounding; extremely touchy in regard to his food; many kind of food disturb, strong food disturb; he is aggravated by meat;


Sepia is suited to tall, slim women with narrow pelvis and lax fibres and muscles; such a woman is not well built as a woman. A woman who has the hips of a well-built man is not built for child bearing, she cannot perform the functions of a woman without becoming relaxed in the pelvic


1. Complaints with renal or vesical symptoms predominating ; especially rheumatic and arthritic affections. 2. Renal colic ; with passage of calculi ; stitching, cutting pains kidney region following course of ureter into bladder and urethra ; especially left side. 3. Bilious and gastro-intestinal disorders, especially hepatic colic from passage of gall-stones ; with jaundice.

Chelidonium majus

1. Thin. fair-complexioned subjects with tendency to gastric and hepatic complaints. 2. Hypochondriasis with lethargy ; drowsiness and debility. 3. Constant pain under the lower angle of right shoulder blade. 4. Hepatic soreness diseases swelling with or without the characteristic pain ; soreness, swelling and pain in liver region ; tongue coated or clay-coloured yellow