
1. Psoric subjects ; coarse, dry or greasy skin, nervous, restless temperament ; pale, delicate, sickly children. 2. Great mental depression ; anxiety with evil forebodings ; fears will die ; religious melancholy ; frightful dreams ; children good all day, cry all night. 3. In chronic cases when well selected remedies fail to relieve


1. Sapraemic and septicaemic conditions when best selected remedy fails to relieve or permanently improve ; onset of septic fevers with chill beginning in back, or general chill ; pulse very rapid, small, wiry ; may be out of all proportion to temperature ; distinct consciousness of a heart. 2. Bed feels hard ; parts

Ranunculus Bulbosus

1. Neuralgic, myalgic or rheumatic pains ; stitching, shooting, especially in chest walls ; < damp weather, atmospheric changes. 2. Intercostal rheumatism ; chest sore, bruised < touch, motion, turning body ; pleurodynia. 3. Herpes zoster ; dark-bluish transparent vesicles ; preceded or followed by the characteristic neuralgic pains. 4. Hay fever ; smarting, burning

Rhus Toxicodendron

1. Adapted to the rheumatic diathesis. 2. Great sadness and apprehension with Inclination to weep ; < at night, in the house > out of doors. 3. Sub-acute and chronic rheumatism and rheumatoid affections with the characteristic modalities ; pains as if the bones were scraped with a knife ; also paralytic weakness with numbness


1. Young people ; women at climaxis. 2. No marked mentals except hopeful state in phthisical patients. 3. Various headaches ; periodic, especially every seventh day ; begin occiput, spread upwards and settle over right eye ; often end in vomiting ; < at menstrual period and at climaxis sick headaches begin morning, increase during

Spongia Tosta

1. Fair-complexioned women and children of lax fibre timid and sensitive ; tubercular diathesis. 2. Marked anxiety, even terror, in nearly all complaints ; gen. assoc. with the suffocative attacks. 3. Great dryness of mucous membranes in respiratory tract cough with no mucous rale, dry, sibilant, “like a saw through pine-board” ; < sweets, cold


1. Young plethoric persons who desire light and company, dread the dark and solitude. 2. Acute manias and deliriums, great terror, attempts to escape, hallucinations especially of terrible animals ; great rage with screaming, biting and scratching ; loquacity, constant praying and entreating ; staring, brilliant eyes, widely dilated pupils ; strange imaginations, e.g. of


VALERIANA OFFICINALIS – Valerian – (VALERIANA) Hysteria, over-sensitiveness, nervous affections, when apparently well-chosen remedies fail. Hysterical spasms and affections generally. Hysterical flatulency. Mind.–Changeable disposition. Feels light, as if floating in air. Over-sensitiveness (Staph). Hallucinations at night. Irritable. Tremulous. Head.–Sensation of great coldness. Pressure in forehead. Feeling of intoxication. Ears.–Earache from exposure to draughts and cold.


VARIOLINUM – Lymph from Small-pox Pustule Used for “internal vaccination.” Seems to be efficacious in protecting against, modifying and aiding in the cure of smallpox. Head.–Morbid fear of small-pox. Deafness. Pain in occiput. Inflamed eyelids. Respiratory.–Oppressed breathing. Throat feels closed. Cough with thick viscid, bloody mucus. Feeling of a lump in right side of throat.


VERATRUM ALBUM – White Hellebore A perfect picture of collapse, with extreme coldness, blueness, and weakness, is offered by this drug. Post-operative shock with cold sweat on forehead, pale face, rapid, feeble pulse. Cold perspiration on the forehead, with nearly all complaints. Vomiting, purging, and cramps in extremities. The profuse, violent retching and vomiting is