REGION: BRAIN AND NERVES: Occiput. Spine. Orbital region. Root of nose. Blood. Inner canthi. WORSE: EXHAUSTION; mental. Suppressions. Noise. Touch. Wine. After being heated. BETTER: Motion. Hard pressure. Warm open air. FREE DISCHARGES. Fagged, enervated or depressed; can’t throw things off; develop exanthema or discharges, etc. Increasing weakness; < eating; with restlessness. Isolated effects; one

Ledum Palustre

1. Rheumatic, gouty diathesis ; old people ; constitutions suffering from abuse of alcohol. 2. Discontent and peevishness. 3. Alternating complaints, e.g. haemoptysis and rheumatism ; also symptoms appearing diagonally especially upper left and lower right (Ant. t., Agar., Stram. ; upper right lower left – Brom., Medorr., Phos., etc.). 4. Contusions especially about the

Natrum Carbonicum

1. Anaemic, emaciated subjects with pale face, glue-ringed eyes, dilated pupils, etc. 2. Intense melancholy and apprehension ; mental slackness and inability to think ; irritability ; dislikes society especially men ; easily startled. 3. Great debility ; heaviness of whole body ; short walk greatly fatigues. 4. Ailments from exposure to sun, also artificial

Natrum Muriaticum

1. Cachectic, anaemic subjects ; pale, earthy or yellowish. greasy-looking complexion ; children emaciated (especially about the neck) and old in appearance ; debility from loss of vital fluids. 2. Great depression ; lachrymose yet irritable especially at small, non-essential noises ; seems to desire but is markedly < consolation ; dislikes company, > alone


1. Fair-complexioned subjects who take cold easily. 2. Irritability and quarrelsomeness ; trifles offend. 3. Low fevers with delirium ; patient imagines there is another person in the bed ; that he is double ; that two babies are in the bed beside her. 4. Occipital vertigo or headache with pressure and heaviness like lead.

Rhus Toxicodendron

1. Adapted to the rheumatic diathesis. 2. Great sadness and apprehension with Inclination to weep ; < at night, in the house > out of doors. 3. Sub-acute and chronic rheumatism and rheumatoid affections with the characteristic modalities ; pains as if the bones were scraped with a knife ; also paralytic weakness with numbness


1. Fair, blue-eyed subjects ; tall, slim, flat-chested ; blue sclerotic, red lips ; mentally precocious, but physically weak ; child often covered with fine-hairs on chest, back, etc. Tubercular diathesis. 2. Despondency with irritability ; patient taciturn, sulky ; disposition naturally sweet but changed by disease ; desires constant change ; fears dogs. 3.


VARIOLINUM – Lymph from Small-pox Pustule Used for “internal vaccination.” Seems to be efficacious in protecting against, modifying and aiding in the cure of smallpox. Head.–Morbid fear of small-pox. Deafness. Pain in occiput. Inflamed eyelids. Respiratory.–Oppressed breathing. Throat feels closed. Cough with thick viscid, bloody mucus. Feeling of a lump in right side of throat.


VINCA MINOR – Lesser Periwinkle A remedy for skin affections, eczema, and especially plica polonica; also for hæmorrhages and diphtheria. Head.–Tearing pain in vertex, ringing and whistling in ears. Whirling vertigo, with flickering before eyes. Spots on scalp, oozing moisture, matting hair together. Corrosive itching of scalp. Bald spots. Plica polonica. Irresistible desire to scratch.


VIOLA TRICOLOR – Pansy The principal uses of this remedy are for eczema in childhood and nocturnal emission accompanied by very vivid dreams. Head.–Heavy, pressing-outward pain. Eczema of scalp, with swollen glands. Face hot and sweating after eating. Throat.–Much phlegm, causing hawking; worse in the air. Swallowing difficult. Urinary.–Copious; disagreeable, cat-like odor. Male.–Swelling of prepuce,