The smell of food cooking nauseates to faintness. Fall dysenteries when the days are warm and nights cold; stools shreddy and bloody, like scrapings. Swelling of joints moving from one place to another; they are often dropsical and pit on pressure; worse in extremes of wet and cold, or warm and dry (Kent. ) *****


This drug is characterized by a general sensitivity. Sensitiveness of vision, of hearing, of smell, of touch; sensitiveness to pain. It is most astonishing sometimes about this great sensitiveness. Pains are increased by noise. Sensitiveness of hearing is so great that sounds are painful. Pains in the face, toothache, headache; pains in the lower limbs;


The principal feature of Colocynth is its severe, tearing, neuralgic pains; so severe that the patient is unable to keep still. Sometimes they are better by motion – at least it appears that they are worse during rest better by pressure and sometimes better by heat. Pains occur in the face, abdomen, along the course

Crotalus horridus

The first impression would be to rebel against the use of such substances as Crotalus, Lachesis, Apis and other animal poisons, and it” is true that ” the lay mind must look with something like horror upon their administration; but when they are properly used and when we consider the dreadfulness of the necessity demanding


This medicine seems especially to affect the mucous membranes It appears to have a tendency to establish or ultimate discharges, both acute and chronic. The Dulcamara patient is disturbed by every change in the weather, from warm to cold, from dry to moist, and from suddenly cooling the body while perspiring. He is ameliorated in


If you will observe the weather conditions in sharp climates, such as Minnesota, Massachusetts and Canada, you will find that the cold spells are very intense and that people, when exposed, come down with complaints very rapidly and violently. That is the way the Bell. and Acon. cases come on, but Gelsemium complaints do not

Hamamelis virginica

The striking features of this remedy are venous congestion and hemorrhages. Veins are distended in all parts, or only in single parts. Varicose veins of many parts, marked soreness in the varices. Bloody discharges from all mucous membranes. Purpura hemorrhagica has often been cured with this remedy. Dusky purplish appearance of the skin, with full

Kali bichromicum

This remedy is recognized by most physicians by the copious ropy mucous discharges from all mucous membranes, but it is also a most important remedy in rheumatic affections of the joints with swelling, heat and redness, whenever these conditions wander around from joint to joint. The bones all over the body feel bruised, and caries

Kali muriaticum

Symptoms appear in the morning; forenoon; afternoon; evening; night; before midnight; after midnight. Aversion to the open air and sensitive to drafts. The open air aggravates many symptoms. Asleep feeling in single parts. Dread of bathing and worse from bathing. Cold in general makes the symptoms worse; worse from cold air; worse from becoming cold;

Kali silicatum

The silicate of potassium is a very deep acting remedy. Some of the symptoms are worse or come on in the morning, a few in the forenoon and afternoon, many in the evening, and very many in the night, and especially after midnight. Aversion to the open air and worse from the open air and