
When considering Stram. the idea of violence comes into mind. One cannot look upon a patient who needs Stram., or who has been poisoned with it, without wondering at the tremendous turmoil, the great upheaval taking place in mind and body. Full of excitement, rage, everything is tumultuous, violent; the face looks wild, anxious, fearful;


1. Low, septic fevers with great prostration and muttering delirium ; face dark red ; vacant, stupid, even besotted expression 2. Great mental confusion ; sensation of divided personality expressed in various ways, e.g. body feels scattered, tries to collect the pieces. Concentration difficult (falls asleep while being spoken to or while answering question). 3.


1. Plethoric persons inclined to obesity and subject to sudden congestions of the head ; happy when well, violent when sick. 2. Brain symptoms predominate ; (a) wild delirium ; fantastic illusions or rage with destructive mania ; (b) constant moaning, starting or jumping in or on going to sleep, even to springing out of

Bryonia alba

1. Dark persons of firm, fleshy fibre ; choleric temperament ; bilious and rheumatic tendencies. 2. Fevers. Patient lies like a log, < least movement, resents any interference or questioning ; at night, active delirium or broken sleep ; disturbed about immediately personal concerns ; vague, inconstant desires ; wants to go home (Act., Hyos,).

Crotalus Horridus

1. Adynamic conditions in general, especially low, malignant fevers ; great prostration, low muttering delirium, tongue dry, brown, cracked or yellow with brown centre and red edges, etc. Bubonic and pneumonic plague. 2. Hemorrhagic tendencies ; from any or all orifices, from gums, under skin, nails, etc. 3, Septicemic states ; zymotic or septic poisonings

Hyoscyamus Niger

1. Acute mania ; patient, talkative, quarrelsome, gen. lascivious, exposes the person, etc. ; in the between state, suspicious depression ; fears solitude, poison, plots. Ailments from jealousy, unfortunate love, mental emotions. 2. Delirium during course of acute diseases ; temperature not markedly high ; restless, picks bedclothes, etc. ; beclouded senses ; staring eyes


1. Dark, phlegmatic subjects ; or women with red hair and freckled complexion, especially at climaxis ; also broken-down constitutions. 2. Extreme alternations, mind and sensorium, (a) Mental activity with almost prophetic perception ; ecstasy ; loquacity with rapid change of subject especially when delirious ; hurry and flurry ; delusion of voices, etc. (b)

Mercurius Sol

1. Light-haired subjects of lax fibre ; earthy or dirty yellow, rough complexion. Anti-syphilitic, second stage. 2. Mental slowness but states changeable ; (a) memory and will power deficient ; answers questions slowly ; despondency ; (b) hurry and anxiety ; loquacity, especially in delirium ; time passes slowly. 3. Weakness and weariness in all

Natrum Sulphuricum

1. Hydrogenoid constitutions ; subjects with sycotic history. 2. Depression ; lively music saddens ; satiety of life ; irritability, especially when spoken to ; inability to think. 3. Mental traumatism ; mental effects of blow on the head, etc. 4. Catarrhs of mucous membranes with free discharge of greenish-yellow muco-pus ; sometimes bloody. 5.