Zincum metallicum

Zincum metal has a full and substantial proving, including symptoms of every part of the body. It is an antipsoric, suitable in broken down constitutions, feeble constitutions; enfeeblement characterizes the whole proving. The Zinc. patient is nervous and extremely sensitive, excitable, trembling, quivering, twitching of muscles, tearing pain; along the course of the nerves, tingling,

Zincum phosphoricum

The times of aggravation of this remedy are morning, forenoon, AFTERNOON, EVENING, NIGHT. He (Patient) has a strong craving for warm, fresh air and is markedly sensitive to drafts; the open air ameliorates in general; marked general physical anxiety; many symptoms are worse from ascending. Hand and feet and other single parts go to sleep

Ammonium Carbonicum

1. Stout, fleshy persons of sedentary habit ; delicate women who faint easily and fly to smelling bottle on least excuse ; old people. 2. Listlessness ; ill-humour especially during stormy weather ; desire for olfactory stimulants. 3. Haemorrhagic diathesis ; epistaxis, when washing face, after eating ; venous congestions. 4. Tendency to gangrenous degeneration

Argentum Nitricum

1. Subjects withered, old-looking through disease, especially after unusual or, long-continued mental exertion ; children. 2. Hypochondriasis ; lacks self-confidence ; apprehensive, hurried, discontented ; time passes slowly ; suicidal impulses. 3. General debility with nervous tremors. 4. Strange sensations ; (a) of expansion in various parts, (b) as of splinter, especially in the throat,


REGION: BRAIN AND NERVES: Occiput. Spine. Orbital region. Root of nose. Blood. Inner canthi. WORSE: EXHAUSTION; mental. Suppressions. Noise. Touch. Wine. After being heated. BETTER: Motion. Hard pressure. Warm open air. FREE DISCHARGES. Fagged, enervated or depressed; can’t throw things off; develop exanthema or discharges, etc. Increasing weakness; < eating; with restlessness. Isolated effects; one

Baryta Carbonica

1. Dwarfish, ill-nourished children or childish old people ; scrofulous subjects especially when fat. 2. Mental and body ; weakness ; semi-imbecility. 3. Great tendency to glandular swellings and indurations, especially of tonsils, acute and chronic ; also fatty tumours. 4. Patient easily catches cold, especially in the throat ; subject to quinsy. 5. Paralysis


1. Dark-haired persons of rigid fibre and yellow, sallow complexion. 2. Melancholy mood ; especially after long lasting grief or sorrow ; with easy weeping particularly in children or peevishness and pessimism ; no disposition or ability for physical and mental exertion ; intense sympathy for the sufferings of others. 3. Faint-like sinking of strength

Cuprum Metallicum

1. Prostration with nervous trembling particularly as a result of mental strain and loss of sleep. 2. Patient ill-natured, angry, spiteful ; mentally and physically oversensitive. 3. Cramps, convulsions and spasmodic affections generally. Clonic spasms beginning in fingers and toes. Epilepsies without any clear symptoms or where aura begins in knees and ascends. 4. Paralysis


1. Phlegmatic scrofulous subjects with low vitality, children who dislike sweets. 2. Various complaints (catarrhal, rheumatic, dropsical, etc.) from exposure to or < by damp, cold atmosphere (Lemna, Natrum sulfuricum) especially sudden changes in hot weather (Bryonia alba), < evening and night. 3. Suppression of discharges or retrocession of eruptions from damp air, working in