
1. Acute, sub-acute and chronic rheumatism ; pains severe, suddenly change locality, going from joint to joint, with numbness, gen. < early part of night or soon after going to bed. 2. Cardiac diseases assoc. with rheumatism or in post influenza conditions ; violent shooting, stabbing pains ; palpitation ; great dyspnoea ; slow, weak

Magnesia Carbonica

1. Subjects of lax fibre especially children ; nervous temperament constitutions worn out by long strain and anxiety. 2. Irritable disposition. 3. Mental and physical sensitiveness. 4. Sour smell of whole body ; all excretions tend to sourness. 5. Neuralgias with lightning-like pains ; of face < left side, < at night ; insupportable during


1. Light-haired, irresolute persons of phlegmatic temperament ; often scrofulous or syphilitic. 2. Hypochondriasis ; indifferent to everything and everyone ; angry at trifles but soon sorry. 3. Vesicular and pustular eruptions, especially after vaccination ; copious exudation of thick pus over which tough scabs form ; appear especially about the face and head ;


1. Light-haired, anaemic, debilitated subjects of rheumatic diathesis ; scrofulous children with worm troubles, especially when stammering results ; fear of sharp, pointed things. 2. Violent neuralgic pains, chiefly left-sided, beginning one point and radiating all directions ; from sunrise increasing till noon, then declining till sunset ; fifth pair nerves specially involved ; eye


1. Scrofulous or syphilitic subjects ; elderly persons. 2. Mental hypersensitiveness ; offended at trifles ; continual concern about the future ; peevishness, sometimes violent temper ; children petulantly push or throw away things for which they cried ; apathy, depression. 3. Ailments from mental emotions especially pride, envy, chagrin, indignation, unmerited insults, etc. 4.

Veratrum Album

1. Thin, choleric, emotional subjects deficient in vital reaction ; extremes of life and young people of nervous, sanguine temperament. 2. Violent manias, deliriums, with anger and rage ; habits dirty and destructive especially to clothes ; attacks often alt. sullen silence ; may be religious excitement. 3. Sudden collapse with cold sweat especially on

Zincum Metallicum

1. Cachectic, emaciated persons whose constitutions have broken down through stress of life ; vitality deficient. circulation poor ; nervous exhaustion from overwork. 2. Soporous conditions of the mind ; child repeats everything said to it. 3. Hypersensitiveness to external stimuli. 4. General trembling assoc. with chronic diseases ; weakness and trembling of extremities especially


VACCININUM – Nosode-From vaccine matter. Vaccine poison is capable of setting up a morbid state of extreme chronicity, named by Burnett Vaccinosis, symptoms like those of Hahnemann’s Sycosis. Neuralgias, inveterate skin eruptions, chilliness, indigestion with great flatulent distension (Clark). Whooping-cough. Mind.–Irritable, impatient ill-humored, nervous. Head.–Frontal headache. Forehead and eyes feel as if split. Inflamed and


VALERIANA OFFICINALIS – Valerian – (VALERIANA) Hysteria, over-sensitiveness, nervous affections, when apparently well-chosen remedies fail. Hysterical spasms and affections generally. Hysterical flatulency. Mind.–Changeable disposition. Feels light, as if floating in air. Over-sensitiveness (Staph). Hallucinations at night. Irritable. Tremulous. Head.–Sensation of great coldness. Pressure in forehead. Feeling of intoxication. Ears.–Earache from exposure to draughts and cold.