Magnesia phosphorica

Magnesia phos. is best known for its spasmodic conditions and neuralgias. The pains are very violent and may affect any nerve. A pain localizes itself in a nerve and becomes worse and worse, sometimes coming in paroxysms, but becoming so violent that the patient becomes frantic. The pains are ameliorated by heat and pressure. The


Manganum is pre-eminently a drug that causes a species of chlorosis, and it is suitable for chlorotic girls, in broken down constitutions, waxy, anemic, pallid, sickly, threatening phthisis, with necrosis and caries of bone and organic affections. There is the history of a long period of scanty menstruation, or the menses have been delayed until


One of the many uses of this remedy is in the inherited complaints of children. The physician of long and active experience meets many obstinate cases in children. The infant soon emaciates and becomes marasmic, or a child becomes asthmatic, or suffers with vicious catarrh of nose or eyelid, or has ringworm on the scalp


The pathogenesis of Mercury is found in the provings of Merc. viv. and Merc. sol., two slightly different preparations, but not different enough to make any distinction in practice. Mercury is used in testing the temperature, and a Merc. constitution is just as changeable and sensitive to heat and cold. The patient is worse from

Natrum phosphoricum

We are not dependent upon Schussler alone for indications for this remedy, as we have many pathogenetic symptoms. Schussler’s indications were good and mostly confirmed by clinical observations. The author has given this remedy for twenty years to many patients whose nerves were in a fret from mental exertion and sexual excesses and vices. The

Natrum sulphuricum

This is one of our most frequently indicated constitutional remedies. The symptoms appear in the morning, evening and during the night, especially before midnight. Some symptoms are better after breakfast, during the daytime and after midnight, except the sweat. It is a very useful remedy for complaints following neglected gonorrhea. The symptoms and the constitutional

Nitric acid

Great general weakness; feeble reaction; extreme sensitivity, and nervous trembling, are marked features in this remedy. Patients greatly broken by long suffering, pain and sickness, physical more than mental suffering, finally anemia and emaciation are marked. Sensitive to cold; always chilly. Symptoms are aggravated from becoming cold, and in cold air. Always taking cold. The

Nux vomica

Everywhere in this remedy we observe the striking oversensitiveness of the patient; it is brought out in all the symptoms. Irritable; oversensitive to noise, to light, to the least current of air, to his surrounding; extremely touchy in regard to his food; many kind of food disturb, strong food disturb; he is aggravated by meat;

Oxalic acid

This remedy has been greatly neglected. It will cure many heart complaints that are treated with vague, crude, unproved remedies with indifferent results. The violent action upon the heart racks the whole system. Trembling, convulsions, loss of sensation; numbness of the body and limbs; blueness of the lower limbs, fingers and lips; paralysis of the