Spongia Tosta

1. Fair-complexioned women and children of lax fibre timid and sensitive ; tubercular diathesis.

2. Marked anxiety, even terror, in nearly all complaints ; gen. assoc. with the suffocative attacks.

3. Great dryness of mucous membranes in respiratory tract cough with no mucous rale, dry, sibilant, “like a saw through pine-board” ; < sweets, cold drinks, lying with head low, sleep, mental excitement. Croup ; after exposure to dry, cold winds ; anxious wheezing < during inspiration : dry, barking cough in suffocative attacks ; (often after Aconite has controlled the high fever and dry, hot skin) ; < after midnight.

4. Heart diseases ; organic ; suffocating attacks on lying flat with head low, especially after midnight ; hypertrophied conditions, especially when assoc. emphysema ; sudden failing of compensation ; violent palpitation ; pain down left arm ; < sleep.

5. Glandular enlargements ; with induration ; of thyroid (goitre), of generative organs, of testicles after suppressed gonorrhoea or maltreated orchitis.

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